Chapter 28

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Meliodas was inside the tavern with Merlin and Elizabeth, along with Melascula who was sat at a table, cheeks rosy and a beer in her hand.

And randomly, he felt a strong and sinister magic power, which strangely seemed familiar. And upon catching a glimpse of the sudden darkness outside the window, he knew who it was.

In the corner of his eye, he noticed Melascula drop the beer she was holding with widened eyes, and she quickly glanced at him, making eye contact.

Meliodas nodded in understanding. Indeed, she also knew who it was.


And he was right. Because as soon as Meliodas thought his name, Chandler appeared in front of him. One of the highest-ranked demons, half of the Original Demon, and his former teacher.

Narrowing his eyes, Meliodas opted to glare at the other demon, eyeing the other's movements intently. He was not at all pleased to see the other.

Chandler however seemed elated, crying joyful tears. "Oh, look at you! Just look at my sweet, sweet, wonderful Young Master Meliodas!"

Before Chandler could say any more, Meliodas interrupted him, speaking with a threatening and suspicious tone. "Seems you escaped the seal. What are you doing here?"

At this, Chandler cried more, dramatically wiping at his tears.

"Oh, you poor thing! The Demon King ordered to kill you. How sad! How painful! For a teacher to have to kill his student - it's too tragic!
But it'll be alright Young Master Meliodas. Once you come back to life, you'll lose some of your emotions! You'll be cured of the brainwashing of that detestable Goddess Elizabeth!"

At this, Meliodas moved infront of Elizabeth protectively. He wouldn't let any harm come to her.

'But the Demon King ordered to kill me? And lose my emotions? It seems he wants me to return to my old self. Why?'

But if that's the case, things will get dangerous. Not only because Chandler was insanely strong, but also since he could use Full Counter as well. Meliodas couldn't just carelessly attack.

How unfortunate for Chandler to escape the Goddess' seal at this moment. This just meant breaking Elizabeth's curse would be harder than it already was. He didn't have much time.

His thoughts were interrupted, as Chandler let out a sound of disgust upon finally noticing Elizabeth. He stopped crying and chastised.
"So you're still around? That shameless Goddess who dared to abduct my young master. I'll kill you!"

Meliodas cut in again, before Chandler could continue insulting Elizabeth. "Shut up."

And before Chandler could actually respond, Merlin quickly attacked him, using Magic Seal as she threw her sacred treasure Aldan in the demon's direction.

However, just as rapidly, Chandler deflected the attack, using Full Counter.

Meliodas noticed Merlin's eyes widen as a gasp of surprise escaped her. "He used Meliodas's move against me. But how?"

"Chandler was the one who taught that move to me." Answered Meliodas.

Then, he saw Merlin seemingly shrink, as her clothes fell down on the ground, alongside the sacred treasure. At this, both Elizabeth and Hawks expressed their concerns.

Meanwhile, Chandler spoke in an uncaring tone. "So, that was magic seal, eh? Sorry, but it looks like you're the one who just got sealed. Interesting. Seems your form of the spell also has some form of additional qualities."

And as Chandler spoke with Merlin (who's form has taken that of a child), Meliodas glanced towards Melascula.

She was no longer sitting at a table, and was watching Chandler carefully. Her expression appeared frightened, wary, and serious at the same time.

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