Chapter 46

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Gloxinia murmured, upon witnessing his lover's forlorn figure in front of him, hugged by a blanket of solemnity. Unresponsive, (Y/n) merely gazed downwards, subtly biting their lips, a futile attempt to relieve frustration.

Such a state reminded Gloxinia of Drole's supposed death, as well as the time (Y/n) has cried in his arms.

And like all other times, his first thought was to hug and comfort them.

Reaching out to them, holding them, embracing them. (Y/n)'s hand clenched the fabric of his clothes, and held the fairy tightly in response.

'What could've happened while they were out?'

But he didn't ask - not yet anyway. Merely allowing (Y/n) to calm themselves with his presence.

And after some time, they revealed their feelings on their own terms. "I think I'm having an existential crisis."

Gloxinia gently rubbed their back affectionately. "Can you explain it to me?"

"I feel like... my personality is surreally not mine... Like I'm guided by something that isn't me, I suppose. I don't know how to explain it."

Thinking about their words, Gloxinia's hand reached for (Y/n)'s, slowly pulling them in his desired direction, where they can lay down and speak comfortably.

"What provoked this?" He asked, as the pair paced through the forest.

"Do you know the existence before the Demon King and the Supreme Deity? It was Chaos." (Y/n) elucidated. "But alongside Chaos, apparently there was something called Order. I'm either connected to it, or I am it, and I think it might've been an influence to my actions ever since I got here."

'Order and Chaos... (Y/n)'s always seemed transcendent and powerful - could that be because of this Order?'

Either way, for his lover to be this confused and affected - it was undeniably serious. (Y/n)'s knowledge extended towards great ranges, but a limit was erected when it came to themselves.

"So, are you some sort of divine being, (Y/n)?" They've always had an otherworldly air around them, after all.

"I'm not sure."


(Y/n) sat on a bed Gloxinia had led them to, still in thought.

'Maybe I'm similar to Arthur? A physical being that became a vessel, a representation.'

It was probably because of Order that (Y/n) was first transported to the 7 Deadly Sins as well. That must've also been the exact moment they absorbed it's power.

Or maybe they've always been a vessel. And their thoughts of being transported in this world, or saving Gloxinia, was the 'key' to inheriting Order completely.

'Well, it's all the same now.'

Glancing down at Gloxinia, who knelt on the floor in front of (Y/n), his head resting on their thighs. Their fingers weaved through the fairy's red hair, absentmindedly creating some small braids.

"If I was divine, what would you do?" 'Would you treat me differently?'

"Divine or not, you're still my (Y/n), aren't you?" Gloxinia smiled. "But to answer your question, I'd be your most devout follower, your loyal lover. Maybe I'll even erect some statues of you."

Chuckling, Gloxinia then tilted his head upwards to gaze at them, before nuzzling further into their thighs. His hands slowly crept under their shirt, but only sat on the bare side of their stomach, and didn't move past that.

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