Chapter 45

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Jeweled and bright green encompassed the Fairy King's Forest as usual, decorated by a variety of rare shrubs and colourful flowers. Though, this scenery was shrouded in a vast layer of darkness, on account of the late hour that witnessed (Y/n) and Gloxinia's return (who are now dressed of course).

It was quiet as they walked together, with only a few occasional distant hoots from an owl or the scurrying of other small animals.

And it was glowing in moonlight that they slept in eachother's embrace. Now, not so much a rare pleasure, than a routine to be upheld in future nights.


Morning dawned light and airy: speckles of light emerging from the veil of tree leaves and branches, cheerful calls of birds stretching throughout the forest, and a cool gentle breeze fluttering past.

Laying atop strands of grass, (Y/n) simply stared upwards, viewing the greenery whilst contemplating - Cath's comments glued to their mind.

"Since when have you become flesh?"

(Y/n) couldn't understand it, merely coming up with unproved theories. Perhaps they should visit Cath again? Or alternatively, they could meet with the Lady of the Lake (Priestess of Chaos - who resides in the lake where Arthur awakened). She could know something.

'You know what? I'll visit the Priestess.' (Y/n) decided, before returning to less serious, more enjoyable thoughts.

As usual, tranquility filled the Fairy King's Forest. Where this place was calm, the tavern would be busy yet friendly.

Though, the main reason, of course, was to stay out of the issue of Estarossa, so they dragged two other friends with them. Conflict was overrated.

'I'm retiring from this.'

Eventually, a shadow loomed over them, and Drole's giant teal face, cascading brown hair, and purple eyes protruded their vision. "In thought?"

Oh, look it was. 'Haha, perfect timing, good friend. Let me catch you up to date.'

"Drole, Drole." Repeating his name, their hand gestures for him to sit down. "Guess what happened last night?"

Following their order, sitting besides (Y/n) on the grass, Drole let out an amused huff. "Is this about when you snuck off with Gloxinia around dusk?"

With an excited nod, (Y/n) confirmed. "Yeah, yeah!"

"Then... You kissed him?"

Was it obvious? Well, guess that's the standard guess.

"I did. What else?" Now, (Y/n) wanted to see if Drole could guess about their current relationship.

"You did more? Um, knowing you, you'd probably be a biter, but I didn't see any on Gloxinia this morning. Maybe somewhere more..." Drole thought to himself, playing along with (Y/n)'s questions.

'A biter..? Good plan for next time.'

Suddenly perking up, Drole's eyes widened and stared at (Y/n) accusingly. "Wait, you guys didn't do...'it', right?"

Now, that caught them off guard. ''It'? How old are you? Just say sex.'

"Woah, woah, woah, don't rush to that so randomly." (Y/n) immediately denied. "I'll just tell you: Gloxinia and I are now dating - so basically proper official lovers, you know?"

A pause waited between them.
Drole spoke first. "You've been in a situationship this entire time?"

'...You're making me feel stupid for not asking him out sooner.'

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