Chapter 13

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Gowther watched the scenes play out through a glass ball, back in Liones (thanks to Gilfrost's teleportation).

A lot of unbelievable things have happened within the past few hours, especially in these recent minutes.

He could hear the cries of distress and shocked gasps from everyone else (especially Elizabeth) who was with him. Although, Gowther only stared impassively in thought.

'How beautiful it is to feel so intensely. If I can obtain a heart, would I share the same sentiments as them?'

He mused, but then felt a strong pressure push his body downwards, which he tried to resist with difficulty.

Through the crystal ball, he saw (Y/n) with a kneeling Melascula in front of them. They leaned down to whisper something in her ear, which Gowther didn't hear, before raising themselves.

They were emitting dense and vast amounts of magical power, to the extent that he and the others also felt painfully weighed down from all the way in Liones. He couldn't imagine how the 10 Commandments felt, being as close as they were.

Gowther also noticed the metamorphosis of (Y/n)'s left eye, from white to multicoloured. He theorised it was the source of the aura that they are releasing.

Hawk's voice then rang out.
"What's with this heavy pressure?! We're so far away! And I can't even sense that person's power level! What's up with that?!"

That caught Gowther's curiousity. (Y/n)'s power level couldn't be detected? Did they use a spell to hide it perhaps? Or are they simply just that powerful? Maybe something else?


'This kind of power shouldn't exist. Especially not within a human who's an ally of Meliodas.'
Zeldris thought, as he tried to tolerate the heavy pressure on him. Even with the Demon King's power flowing through him, he couldn't budge at all.

He scanned his mind for ideas on how he could handle the situation. All odds were turned against the 10 Commandments.

Does he use the Demon Kings power?
No, there's no point. (Y/n)'s magic levels were comparable to him right now. Actually, maybe even stronger.

Does he fly away and escape? But that's far too shameful. No way would he do that. Besides, he can't even move.

"Though, right now, I guess I'll be acting as the Judicator."

That's it.
(Y/n) called themselves a judge; he can work with that.

"You introduced yourself as the Judicator. That means you must remain impartial, right? So why are you saving Meliodas?"

Estarossa apparently understood what Zeldris was trying to say, because he decided to elaborate further for him.

"He was the one to betray us. As a result, the balance maintained between the Demon Race and the Goddess race shattered. Seizing the opportunity, the Goddess race incited the other races to eliminate our kind once and for all.
It was Meliodas that started that war 3000 years ago."

"Of course. I am already aware. And as for the reason I've chosen to save Meliodas, it's because he has already received his punishment." (Y/n) responded.

'How much does this human know? How?' Zeldris thought.

He didn't dare underestimate (Y/n) anymore. By punishment, they meant the curse of Immortality on Meliodas? But how does their knowledge extend all the way back to the Holy War?  Were they present back then? Are they some sort of immortal human?

Zeldris refuted (Y/n)'s answer. "What? If you're talking about his curse, then that's hardly enough for his actions. That punishment was barely enough for his betrayal, let alone causing an entire devastating war."

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