Chapter 15

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Diane made her way back, with (Y/n) sat on her shoulders, as they made their way over to Matrona and the others. King was also there, since he left the two earlier, in order for them to have some privacy in their discussion of romance.

She heard Matrona greet them. "Diane.(Y/n). You're back."

Unlike (Y/n), who simply raised their hand up in a lazy wave, Diane greeted her verbally, as she moved a branch out of the way.
"Hey, Matrona. Why don't you take a dip too?" Diane suggested.

"That's not a bad idea. Uh, be careful. Watch your feet."

"Huh?" Diane looked down to see one of the children playing with Oslo beneath her. "Whoops, sorry!"

King sighed as he flew up to her. "Not a care in the world."

Meanwhile, (Y/n) gazed in Gerheade's direction. "Gerheade, dear. You appear unsettled."

Over the stay in the Fairy King's Forest, Diane noticed that (Y/n) often referred to Gerheade quite affectionately. They also spent a lot of time with the fairy these past few days, and the two quickly became close.

Gerheade floated to them. "I'm feeling the sensation of a strange gaze on me."

"I'm not sure what you mean." King added in.

"I wish I could be more specific." Gerheade said, and slightly turned her head away. "It may just be my imagination."

"Nonsense." (Y/n) spoke up, and Diane felt them leave her shoulder.
They levitated infront of Gerheade, and softly placed a hand on her arm in comfort.
"If this feeling is capable of unnerving you, then it's obviously not just your imagination."

Then, the melodic sound of music resounded around the area. Diane looked around for the cause, and saw fairies flying around playing instruments.

"Well, either way, it looks like everyone else seems to be having fun." King observed.

A smile erupted across Diane's face as she glanced at King. "Why don't we join in? How about a dance?"

The fairy agreed. "Huh? Oh, okay, sure!"

"Then, come on. Let's go!" She reached out for him, and the pair went to enjoy themselves.


Harmonious music filled the forest, as (Y/n) observed everyone having fun. Flower petals drifted around in synchronised circles, accompanying the ones who danced in the centre.

'I'm so glad I came here. Festive sights like these can be so lovely.'

If they hadn't accepted Diane's offer, they'd be in Liones, fighting instead. So this happy event was much preferred.

They glanced over to Gerheade, who was contemplating something as she floated beside them. Definitely about what Diane and King told her, regarding Gloxinia joining the 10 Commandments.

(Y/n) tried to alleviate her anxiety. "Dear Gerheade, put your troubling thoughts to rest. Enjoy this rare moment."

"Come." They offered the fairy their hand, to which she accepted, and guided her closer to the core of the lively event.

From there, the pair engaged in a slow dance, that developed into a livelier rhythm, akin to that of the waltz.

Then, (Y/n) lead Gerheade into a twirl, and they released her hand from theirs. That hand was gently taken by the hand of another figure, Gloxinia, who seemingly appeared in that moment, as he guided Gerheade into a dance of their own.

Finally - Gloxinia finds out his sister, who he thought was dead, was actually alive.

Yawning, (Y/n) watched the siblings. They would have informed Gloxinia of this sooner, but they wanted the fairy to see Gerheade alive with his own eyes, instead of being told by someone else.

Another reason was because of this heartwarming scene. It was beautiful to see in person. A reunion of solace after 3000 years of hurt. This will also lift a huge weight off Gloxinia's shoulders.

Whilst in thought, (Y/n) realised they felt increasing drowsy and relaxed. A pleasant feeling of repose washing over them.

They knew it was Gloxinia's doing. So they didn't bother resisting against the peaceful slumber that awaited them. Closing their eyes, they welcomed it.

'This is so nice. Gloxinia can very well become the cure to insomnia.'


'So Gerheade is still alive. I'm so glad.'
Gloxinia thought, as a smile appeared on his face.

At the time, 3000 years ago, when he saw his sister's injured body in Rou's hold, Gloxinia immediately assumed he killed her. That's where his hatred towards the human race originated.

He blamed Rou for that incident. But now, some of that blame drifted to himself instead.

If he had just checked on Gerheade's body, he wouldn't have been under the assumption that she died for 3000 years, or joined the 10 Commandments.

Though, Gloxinia still disliked Rou of course. The human betrayed him, and severely hurt Gerheade after all.
But perhaps, this means he shouldn't discriminate against the human race so much.

He thinks about it. Not only because of his newfound realisations, but also out of consideration for (Y/n).

His outward prejudice resulted in them feeling hurt twice, and he didn't want that to happen again. Because despite (Y/n)'s humanity, Gloxinia was rather fond of them. They have increasingly become more important in his eyes.

Whilst his thoughts concluded, he found himself gazing at (Y/n)'s sleeping form, which was on the floor, right beside his own sitting body.

Even in their sleep, they looked as carefree as ever. Their expression wasn't necessarily playful, as it often was when they were awake, but more relaxed.

Gloxinia inspected their softened features, and listened to their quiet breathing. And as he stared at them, the fairy couldn't help but admire their tranquil appearance.

The atmosphere around them seemed so homely and comforting, that Gloxinia felt the passive urge to join them, lay beside (Y/n) as they slumbered.

Alternatively however, he opted to gently guide their head onto his thighs instead. The frigid stone floor was surely not comfortable to sleep on.

Their head now in his lap, Gloxinia's hands reached for their (H/c) hair. He run his fingers through it, carefully, in fear that he might wake them up.

But his hands froze when (Y/n) stirred from their previous position. And he tensed when he felt them sleepily burrow further into him, unconsciously in an effort to soak up his natural warmth.

The fairy didn't dare make even the slightest movement, even after (Y/n) settled down.

Because if they happened to wake up in their current position, then Gloxinia would find himself to be a victim of their teasing and flirtations yet again.

'I wouldn't hear the end of it.'

Though, at the same time, that didn't seem so bad. He's starting to kinda like it. After all, it's one of (Y/n)'s most distinguished traits.

Additionally, he was in awe at their adorable sleepy display. It's a sight he had never seen before, and it contrasted their flirty demeanor.

Gloxinia wanted to see more of it. To witness every side of (Y/n) that is hidden from others' eyes.

'One day, I'll uncover all of you, (Y/n).'

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