Chapter 44

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Gold and amber painted the sky, forming contrast against its dark canvas, and casting tranquil illumination of orange as a farewell to the sun, which barely peeked above the tops of distant mountains.

A breeze fluttered past Gloxinia, brushing his red hair with the gentleness of a feather, whilst he leaned against a thick wooden rail on the outdoor part of the tavern. With intimately amber eyes, he viewed the similarly dyed sunset.

Then, catching him off guard, the fairy shivered at the warm breath that fell near his ears, the hand that covered his eyes, and the sweet teasing voice that asked: "Who is it?"

Unable to prevent his smile, Gloxinia thought for a moment. Should he simply say their name? Or something more interesting?

Now that he remembered, (Y/n) liked the use of endearments. That should also provide them pleasant surprise, yes?

Tone warm, undeniably affectionate, he murmured. "My darling, (Y/n)."

Leaving his eyes, (Y/n) moved their hand to the side of his waist instead, placing their chin on the fairy's shoulder. "Say that again."

'I guess that means they liked it?'

"My darling?"

With a content sigh, (Y/n)'s lips touched the nape of Gloxinia's neck, who couldn't help but tense a bit, feeling his heartbeat steadily increasing, body suddenly warmer than he remembered.

He felt (Y/n) plant a kiss there, before resting their head on his shoulder again, their arms now fully enclosed around Gloxinia, the fairy's back against their front. "Dear, I want to eat you up."

Even without a mirror, Gloxinia knew his cheeks ignited in red, hyper-aware of the heat that fell upon his face. Placing a hand on his chest, he felt his heartbeat, thumping quicker with squealing shyness and excitement.

'How do you say things like that and expect me not to fall for you?'

If Gloxinia could have (Y/n)'s boldness, without stopping or overthinking his next words in embarrassment, maybe he could say things like that too with ease?

(Y/n)'s hand touched his skin, placed above his hand that checked the pace of his heartbeat, and Gloxinia wondered if they could feel it, even if the vibrations were decreased for them.

At times like these, he couldn't help but ask where they've been all his life. How was he able to survive with such little happiness in the past, that was incomparable to the belonging Gloxinia felt with (Y/n) now?

It was a profound and almost unbelievable realisation: How this one person you unexpectedly met one day completely changed your world. To be this lucky, maybe it was a blessing of some sort.

As if sun-like, (Y/n) brightened Gloxinia's life, like the metamorphosis of his black demonic eyes to glowing amber.

"Gloxinia?" A murmur against his neck.

When Gloxinia hummed questioningly in response, (Y/n) offered. "Would you like to go to a hot spring together?"

Perching up in interest, the fairy actually loved the idea. Sunset, slightly chilly, basking in the warm waters of a natural thermal spring. Naked, forming a connection with nature, alongside the person he loved.

Though, the particular worry of nudity did cross his mind. Gloxinia, as a fairy, felt comfortable with it. But he learned that that wasn't the same with humans during their last date.

Would (Y/n) really be comfortable? They did propose the idea, so probably. Still, Gloxinia will be mindful to respect them and not stare.

But excitement bubbled within him at the thought of enjoying this type of wondrous nature with (Y/n).

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