Chapter 40

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Sunlight enhanced the dark and brooding colour that decorated the remains of the Edinburgh castle, a stark contrast to the blue sky in the background. Rippled pink and purple tips branched out from the main roots like corals, towering and gigantic with a size similar to a mountain.

Teleporting at the foot of these remains, (Y/n) thought it looked like some sort of ancient tree in person, the type that would have a dragon buried underneath.

Though, the one buried - or sealed rather - was more of a vampire this time.

Removing their hand from Zeldris's shoulder, (Y/n) wordlessly walked away, expecting him to eventually follow.

Eyes searching the surroundings briefly, a deep hole dug in the earth caught their attention. Located at the base of the coral-like structure, its interior enveloped by shadows.

Before they unseal Gelda, should they inform Zeldris what they wanted in return first? Although (Y/n) did feel bad for doing so, since it kinda felt like they were taking advantage of Zeldris's love.

No, they were already at odds with him anyway. Besides, even if the demon's motive was heart wretching, that doesn't erase the suffering he has caused.

But at the same time...

(Y/n) sighed, stopping when they reached the edge of the steep hole and turned to glance at Zeldris behind them.

No use overthinking it. A fair transaction like this suits them as the Judicator.

'Though it does feel like I use that title whenever it's convenient...'

"Oh, by the way, I do need something from you after you reunite with Gelda." (Y/n) mentioned without warning.

Zeldris's narrowed eyes, staring at them carefully with his guard up, did well to present his suspicion.

Since he remained silent, (Y/n) continued. "The four Commandments in your possession. But I guess you can keep yours, so you need only give me three."

"What?" Zeldris paused, contemplating how they knew about this, before questioning with a hesitant tone. "Why? Do you plan to absorb them?"

"Nope. I'm collecting them." (Y/n) plainly answered. "Shame I won't get the entire set, but at least I know where they are."

Although the demon hasn't actually agreed yet, (Y/n) then levitated down into the hole, noting the bland spiked rocks and pillars that stretched the height of the cavern.

Whilst Zeldris descended on the ground beside them, (Y/n) lifted their arm, imitating the gestures that Meliodas had done in the anime, and raised their index and middle fingers. A green light glowed with a shade akin to seaweed, and a black sphere with purple hues behind it floated in front of them.

Four swift hand gestures later and pink cracks spread across the sphere's surface, breaking into dark fragments, which revealed Gelda. Adorned in a yellow and purple dress, her blonde hair tied with a blue ribbon, the vampire opened her ruby eyes.

(Y/n) offered a small wave, observing the relief and delight Gelda's eyes displayed when she caught sight of Zeldris. 'Guess I'll give their reunion some privacy.'

"I'll wait for you two on the surface." Turning around, they voiced as they lifted themselves into the air, flying out of the cave-like hole.


Entering a village, Meliodas and Elizabeth looked around first, noting the lack of dangers and the commercial market atmosphere that the people still managed to upkeep.

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