Chapter 5

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Gloxinia felt slightly ashamed. He didn't expect himself to just run away from that human. Was he that entranced with their words to him?

Either way, no matter how inspiring their statement was, they were just a human, the weakest of the races. It didn't matter what they said, because there was no way they'd be able to keep it.

And most of all, how dare he fall so easily for that lie. Humans are cruel - they lie and harm and betray. Rou's betrayal is proof of that. That human will turn their back on him too, just like Rou.

So what if they proclaimed that they'll save him? Rou also promised the protection of his sister, only to kill her instead.

Gloxinia made the mistake of believing in the human, Rou, and he didn't want to make that mistake again.


Drole had noticed his close friend's regretful and annoyed demeanor a few minutes after they left.

He observed the fairy floating next to him: the furrowed eyebrows, the seemingly permanent frown, the downcast eyes, and the tensed silence that occupied him.

He knew why Gloxinia was behaving this way. But it was unexpected that he would take the human's statement so deeply that it'd have this great of an effect.

But if anything else, he was worried for his fairy friend. He didn't want Gloxinia to be hurt any longer, any more than he already was.

"You appear rather pained, Gloxinia."
Drole spoke up.

The mentioned figure snapped out of his thoughts, and turned to him, waiting for him to continue.

"Overthinking now won't benefit you. Whether that human was truthful or not is not something we will be sure of anytime soon.
You don't have to believe them right now. If the human was sincere, they'll let you know through their actions."

Drole hoped that he managed to elevate Gloxinia's mood. He wasn't exactly ever able to cheer up others, as they were often afraid of his size. So he was inexperienced in the kind act.

Gloxinia didn't respond for a few seconds, speechless. Before replying with a nod and a quiet "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Under the cloth covering his head, Drole smiled. It worked.


Approaching a lake in a clearing of the forest, (Y/n) wanted to see if they still looked the same.

Sometimes, in the fanfics they read, the reader's appearance changes, or they become a character in the story.

Although their hair was as it was before, that may not apply to the rest of their body, like their back for example.

They knelt in front of the water, examining their reflection.
As they thought, something was different - their eyes. (Y/n)'s left eye was no longer (E/c), but white. But nothing besides that.

They recalled how that eye burned as they fell here. That's why it was no longer (E/c).

Getting up, (Y/n) decided to remember as many characters and their abilities as possible, and try them out.

After they disintegrated that tree, they already practiced a bit with their newfound powers. However, it was exhilarating, doing things they couldn't have ever done back at home. And they still need to test with it more - see if they could imitate physical strength, like that of Saitama's.
So they'll have fun for a little while longer.

After that, they'll go see Gloxinia again. At the Great Fight Festival, in Vaizel.

Actually nevermind, they'd need to find food later. All that exercise made them hungry. And thirsty. But they chose not to drink from the lake, probably not the cleanest.

They'll search for a village. And take whatever was there. There was enough time after all.

However, they didn't have any currency to buy anything. In that case, they'll have to steal.

'Oh well.'


(Y/n) unsteady floated above the trees, slowly rising higher and higher.
They decided to use Chuuya's (from BSD) ability, 'For the Tainted Sorrow', of gravity manipulation, since they figured it'd be cool to use, but it was still difficult to get used to. His ability was not exactly easy to control.

They looked around from above for any kind of civilization, before spotting a few miniscule buildings on the foot of a mountain. It was pretty far, but it'd have to do. Besides, it's not like they'll have to walk there now.

They flew over - not at the fastest pace, since (Y/n) was still wary of being so high in the air after they got to Britannia, plus it was challenging to linearly accelerate.

Increasing their mass, they floated down and looked around the village. They were in a market street, judging by the few stalls set up. But there weren't many people, specifically people looking around those stalls to buy, like visitors. It looked rather shady.

As they walked through, (Y/n) noticed everyone staring at them - hard - like they were trying to burn holes into their back. Honestly, it was unnerving.

However, the three large men walking right behind them was more alarming. (Y/n) used the power of 'Balor's magical eye' to see their power levels (they can imitate its ability even though it's technically an object, mainly because it was based on a character's ability, Drole).
Power levels of 750, 800, and 500.

'Am I seriously gonna become a victim of robbery this fast? I mean, they're not that strong. I can beat them fine even with my lack of battle experience right now.'

With a quick turn, (Y/n) entered an alleyway. And the three men quickly followed after them, only to be met with no one in sight.

"Huh?! What the hell?"
One exclaimed.

"I could've sworn I saw them go through here."

(Y/n) was using Hagakure's (from BNHA) quirk, Invisibility, and watched as the men frantically look around in confusion. They were about to walk away, but they wondered if they could use more than one ability at once.

Lightening their mass, they flew above one of the men and plunged down, sending a kick enhanced by gravity directly on their head. Instantly, the man fell down unconscious, and the others swirled towards him in distress.

"Hey man, what's wrong with you?!"

They didn't see (Y/n). They were still invisible.

'Hmm, this is nice. I could even prank people with this, easily.'

Using the same tactic, (Y/n) knocked the other two unconscious, before leaving them behind in the alleyway.

'This village must have a bad reputation. That explains the lack of travellers, and the odd looks I received.'

Well, if it was like this, they wouldn't feel so bad about stealing from here.

And so they did.

They stored everything in Inventory, an unlimited storage of the System from Solo Leveling, it counts as Sung Jin-Woo's own ability.

'Invisibility sure is useful', (Y/n) thought, peacefully walking away, a red apple in hand.

Now, it was off to the Great Fight Festival.

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