Chapter 8

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After their (romantic) interaction with Gloxinia, (Y/n) found the rest of the Festival quite boring. So instead of watching the participants, they kept their eyes fixed on the pretty fairy.
Gloxinia really was far more interesting than everything else going on anyway. And his reactions were so charming.

They were struck with warmth when Gloxinia gave out an euphonious laugh, in response to Escanor's plead to forfeit due to his friends.

"But that's what makes this festival fun! To be willing to do anything, no matter how cruel, for the sake of one's own selfish wish. You Humans have always been a vile repugnant race, haven't you?"

And that warmth (Y/n) felt immediately vanished, replaced with a bitter despondency.

Gloxinia words were recited numerously in their mind. Did that apply to them too? Probably. He wasn't saying them to (Y/n) directly, but...
'Vile and repugnant...'

They were well aware of the fairy's hatred against humans. (Y/n) reminded themselves of that constantly during their first meeting.
But they tried to not feel wronged or dispirited. They tried to not let it get in the way. They tried to develop a positive connection with Gloxinia - maybe even evolve it into a romance.

Because Gloxinia was their favourite character.

That is no longer the case.

He may be just a fictional character created by the author. And his actions may be bound by the thing called fate.

But (Y/n)'s presence eradicated that.

The concept of fate was simply the written plot of the story.

The author's threads could easily be pulled by (Y/n)'s hand, until they inevitably snapped.

He was not just a character anymore.

He is now an individual, a real being.

(Y/n) can't think of him as some fictional crush. They shouldn't treat him so affectionately with such shallow attachment.

They loved him when they watched him from the spectator's view.
However, they needed to learn to love him again in person, from the performer's view.

The wanted to rewrite it themselves anew. More sincere and heartfelt than ever.

'Gloxinia, I'm going to fall in love with you all over again.'


As Gloxinia was conversing with Drole about Meliodas still being unreadable, and the fight of Escanor, his thoughts moved to (Y/n).

They have been rather quiet, especially compared to a few moments prior, when they joined in to comment on the battles.

He peered at them with the corner of his eye. They seemed to be deep in thought, but the atmosphere around them was melancholic and downcast.

'What triggered this?' He thought, scanning through his memories for any reasonable catalyst for their current sad contemplation.

"You Humans have always been a vile repugnant race, haven't you?"

That's what it is.
It must be. He can't think of anything else.
Gloxinia was so used to insulting humans after Rou's betrayal, that he didn't think anything of his words. It was natural. So he didn't consider (Y/n) - a human who might've been listening.

Gloxinia felt a creeping tinge of guilt, like a needle inserted into his skin depleting him of blood, slowly.
He tried to ignore the sensation of regret, but the tingle of its needle kept his awareness, making it difficult to disregard.

Alongside that needle, came the increasing hate and fear against it, and the one inserting it into him.

'Why am I feeling guilty? For (Y/n)? So what if I insulted their race? What I said was true...'

Since when did they become so important? Enough for him to feel bad for hurting them?

He wanted to know their exact thoughts. So, curiously, the fairy glanced at them, and looked into their mind.

'Gloxinia, I'm going to fall in love with you all over again.'


What's with that sudden ambition? What was with that determined expression? Weren't they sad just seconds ago? Why fall in love with him? He just hurt them. 'Again?' They didn't have some kind of degrading kink, surely?

Gloxinia shook that idea away. When did he think of such inappropriate things? - he blames it on (Y/n). He still remembers their erotic thoughts when they saw Basquias in the form of Emerald Octo for the first time. Very strange.

He was drifting away from the original question. Why did (Y/n) think that after he hurt them?
What was their thought process? He really should have just read their mind sooner.

They were visibly despondent, but then they were firmly resolute and passionate.

Where they the type to continue pursuing someone despite their rejection? Or the type to never give up on what they wanted? The type to be unconsciously attracted to abusive relationships because of trauma?

Why did they react like that?

He suddenly recalled Drole's words to him, when they were walking through the forest after they met (Y/n).
"Overthinking now won't benefit you."

That's right.
There was no point in speculating. He could wonder for days, but he won't know the actual reason.
Unless he asked (Y/n) directly.

However, that must await till later.
Gloxinia concluded, as he saw a bright shine from Escanor, who was preparing to use Divine Ax Rhitta's special ability, Charge in Fire.


The light Escanor's weapon emitted was blinding. It completely contrasted with the darkened night, and it took a bit for (Y/n)'s eyes to even slightly adjust.

(Y/n) was more shocked as that light disappeared, and their surroundings became black - Drole's hand covering their body, securely and protectively.
They heard the giant let out a pained grunt as they lost balance, since Drole's shoulder was no longer upright, but falling backwards.
They felt themselves hit the back of his fingers, which then picked (Y/n) up and held them against his chest in effort to keep them safe and to defend.

They forgot about this.
Escanor used that attack towards the two Commandments instead of his opponent. But they were distracted. So they didn't have time to defend. Neither of the three had that chance.

Additionally, (Y/n) was further astounded at Drole's quick decision to cover them from the attack. They didn't expect him to protect them. Did he think of them as an ally? Does that mean Gloxinia shares the same sentiment?

"Drole... Gloxinia?"

Drole spoke up. "How foolish. We were to distracted by that man's magical power. We never considered the possibility that he was aiming his attack at us."

"Nevermind that. I'll heal the two of you first." (Y/n) said, as they used Barbara's (from Genshin) elemental skill to form a Melody Loop around their two injured friends. It would be around them for a while, healing them at certain intervals, since they'll continue to sustain injuries.

Still held against the giant's chest, (Y/n) expressed their appreciation for his fast protection. "Thank you, Drole."

In that moment, a crash resounded as Meliodas plunged in front of them, earth crumbling underneath due to the impact.
"Let's get started. It's time for the real festival!"

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