Chapter 43

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Pacing through the desolate streets of Camelot, nearing the castle and passing through its stone walls, Arthur grew wary of the silence that was like a shadow hovering over his beloved kingdom. With Cath inside the strapped bag over his shoulder, he ventured deeper, only to flinch at a sudden unexpected voice.

"Hello there."

Swirling around, he caught sight of two figures, both who were familiar. One his teacher, Merlin. The other, the one that spoke, was the mysterious person who went up against the 10 Commandments and overpowered them completely.

Usually, Arthur would have been elated, scurrying to Merlin after a long awaited reunion, but he couldn't help but straighten his posture in (Y/n)'s presence.

'They're so cool!'

Truthfully, (Y/n) reminded Arthur of the heroic figures in stories, the warriors that once wielded the holy sword, honourable and strong.

Looking past (Y/n)'s casual greeting, he could still clearly visualise their air of supremacy and freedom, so open-minded to be able to mingle with anyone like it was normal, and so moral in saving Meliodas, a friend - weren't those the good qualities of the monarch Arthur aspired to reach?

"(Y/n), it's an honour meeting you again." Tilting his head a little downwards, he greeted respectfully, before turning to his teacher with a more familiar tone. "And hello, Merlin!"

"Good, you really are okay." With an expression of relief, Merlin approached Arthur, placing a hand on his shoulder. And he, in turn, decided to explain what happened on his side.


(Y/n) didn't pay attention to Arthur and Merlin's discussion, opting to instead observe the white cat with red spots, roundly shaped like a ball, staring at them intensely from Arthur's shoulder.

Cath: a tyrant monster with an obsession for Chaos. Following Arthur obediently until the other awakens his powers.

'Why is he looking at me like that?'

For one, (Y/n) felt disturbed by Cath's severe stare, which was almost like a glare. Did Cath feel like they were a threat to his greed for Chaos or something? Maybe that was why he looked like he wanted to see their head lopped off their shoulders.

To their suprise, Cath actually jumped off Arthur's shoulders in favour of leaping onto (Y/n). The young king was equally shocked, as Cath rarely even left him, especially not to sit on someone else.

"Wow, Cath must've taken a liking to you, (Y/n)! You must be good with animals." Arthur certainly seemed impressed, voicing his thoughts freely.

'And Cath's liking to you resulted in your arm being ripped off and an attempted murder.' (Y/n) instantly commented to themselves, uncomfortable by Cath's presence on their shoulder.

'Should I just swat him away?"

(Y/n) could reveal Cath's identity right now if they wanted to. Although Arthur doesn't know them well, he won't be so obstinate that he can't change his mind when presented with persuasion and proof.

But it'd be such a bother. The 7 Deadly Sins can deal with it on their own.

Same with Estarossa. (Y/n) wanted no significant part in these bothersome projects when they've already done more than enough. Especially since Estarossa will no longer be in possession of four Commandments like in the anime, so the Sins can definitely defeat him if things came to worse.

Because Drole's back, they wanted to hang out with him and Gloxinia instead. Unless the others where on the verge of actual death, (Y/n) didn't plan to interfere too much.

While caught up in their thoughts, Cath broke away from his usual quiet demeanor. Quietly, to prevent Arthur and Merlin from hearing, with obvious disgust in his tone, he uttered.

"Since when have you become flesh?"

(Y/n) furrowed their eyebrows, confused. Cath spoke as if he knew them. Maybe not personally, since (Y/n) has no recollection, but Cath knew something more about them, possibly about their otherworldly travel, or their abilities, or their multicoloured eye that is triggered by an unknown condition.

And 'become flesh'? What was that supposed to mean? Birth?

(Y/n) wanted to know more, but Merlin called out to them, apparently finished with her conversation. "(Y/n)?"

Focusing on her, they hummed questioningly. "Hm?"

"I'll be staying with Arthur in Camelot for a while, and assist him with the kingdom's recovery."

With a nod, (Y/n) walked past them, through the hallways, and Catch finally jumped back to Arthur. "Okay. Then I'll collect Estarossa, lest he disturbs you."

Truthfully, they were just gonna deliver him to Gowther. Gowther's inherited problem, Gowther's to solve.

Besides that, should they tell Merlin that Arthur needs to be stabbed with the holy sword in order to awaken? It'll take a long time for her ambition to be fulfilled otherwise.

(Y/n) contemplated for a while, examing the pros and cons (and their mood too) like they were overlooking paperwork, before discarding the decision, placing the file on a waiting list for later.

Meanwhile, they reached Estarossa and immediately got to the point. "I'm going to take you to see Gowther. That strange vision of yours? You'll understand it then."

"Oh?" The demon smirked. Not long ago, (Y/n) didn't bother answering his question about the same matter, but now they were having someone else do so for them instead. "So you did know about it."

Rather than reply, (Y/n) opted to teleport the both of them in the tavern, in the room Gowther was in which almost resembled a laboratory (well, as medieval as it was).


Gowther was the sin that (Y/n) didn't interact with, so when the doll witnessed (Y/n) teleport in front of him, alongside a demon he recognised from 3000 years ago, mild bafflement seeped into him.

The human spoke first. "Gowther, can you do me a favour?"

'A favour?'

What kind of favour would someone as omnipotent as (Y/n) request?


Pushing Estarossa forth, (Y/n) voiced. "I think you already recognise him. I ask that you restore his memories, well, basically fix the alterations of the previous Gowther. Can I leave all that to you, including his reaction?"

Estarossa, who was originally Mael, welder of the Grace, Sun - a dominantly-Goddess hybrid. Yet to combat the uneven power distribution during the Holy War, the previous Gowther cast a forbidden spell to shift his personality and place him on the side of the Demon clan.

From what Gowther learned, even though he didn't directly experience it, is that he shouldn't be surprised when (Y/n) displays knowledge on everything. It's mysterious, but people became used to it despite their doubts.

Although he didn't think it was necessarily a good idea to do now, it was a request from (Y/n), who usually completes things on their own. It's only logical to have a powerful ally.

"I understand. I can do that." Gowther nonchalantly agreed.

(Y/n) smiles, placing their hands together. "Thank you! Think of a reward when you're done. Now, I'll be off to see Gloxinia - miss him already."

With that, Gowther and Estarossa were left alone.

'They sure are quick to leave."

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