Chapter 42

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When Gloxinia saw (Y/n) after a few hours, he didn't expect to suddenly be engulfed in a warm hug. To his relief and suprise, their energy, which appeared so depleted not that long ago, had returned to a level similar to normality.

Eyes that lacked prior somberness were brimming with affection, accompanied by a matching smile of jovial tranquility.

Confusion was painted on Gloxinia's expression, but that didn't prevent the smile that crept on his face, glad and satisfied that (Y/n)'s mood has improved. His arms wrapped around them as well, returning the welcomed hug.

Unbeknownst to (Y/n), that single embrace warmed the frigid melancholy that plagued him too. Burrowing his head in their shoulder, seeking further comfort, Gloxinia's gaze of amber revealed both fondness and woe.

Yet his eyes widened when he spotted Drole's giant figure behind (Y/n), past the open door of the tavern, standing outside with a smile. For a moment, he thought he was hallucinating, but Drole winked and his smile turned teasing.

Drole's alive.

That's why (Y/n) felt better.

And the moment the giant, his good friend for centuries, noticed Gloxinia's gaze...

'You come back after I thought you died and the first thing you do is tease me?!'

A pink tint decorated Gloxinia's cheeks, hiding his expression with (Y/n)'s shoulder, lest Drole used it to further tease him.

How could he act like nothing happened? Dying, suddenly disappearing, then just as unexpectedly coming back.

Both he and (Y/n) grieved. It was difficult, and (Y/n)'s sorrow and inability to properly take care of themselves just hurt Gloxinia's heart further. He could not have beared it for much longer.

And, Drole just...

As frustrated the fairy's thoughts were, the relief he felt upon confirming Drole's safety was undeniable. In the end, everything worked out: a happy ending.

Eventually separating from the long hug with (Y/n), Gloxinia's sweet smile, his tone warm, greeted his giant friend.

"Welcome back, Drole."


And eventually, after catching up with Drole, (Y/n) dragged an awkward Melascula to the table, luring the snake with the candy they bought earlier.

In (Y/n)'s opinion, she needed a reintroduction. Not as Melascula of Faith, one of the 10 Commandments, but as Melascula, their friend.

(Y/n)'s good mood was apparent to everyone in the tavern. Sitting around a round table with their close friends, plentiful dishes and desserts and drinks placed before them like noble delicacies - specially prepared by Ban, who easily accepted his new role as (Y/n)'s chef after actually being graciously paid.

Did Meliodas even pay Ban? The blue-haired human was positively surprised when they offered money for his fine culinary skills, (Y/n) observed.

Eyes glancing towards Drole, who's size was much smaller, comparable to a human, they internally praised the pill Merlin concocted (which effects last seven hours).

'And Gloxinia is so pretty as usual!'

Rather than the stiff calmness the fairy tried to perform for (Y/n)'s sake, so that he could care for them without adding to their worries, Gloxinia's aura became warmer now that the trio reunited.

In the company of these two again, chattering comfortably with forgotten burdens, and eating delightful food: it all felt like a hard-earned reward after everything. After all, it's been a while since (Y/n) felt so plainly happy.

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