Chapter 39

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In the cold castle walls of Camelot, Zeldris's footsteps resounded with each step down the halls. Frustration and worry held him in a tight grip, since his demon forces were more or less wiped out, including both halves of the Original Demon.

'The Demon King... I can't get in contact with him.'

Zeldris was locked in a stalemate - no, at a disadvantage. And he didn't know how to get rid of it.

At one point, the thought of absorbing the Four Commandments in his possession crept into his mind. But, what was the point?

(Y/n) overwhelmed the 10 Commandments at once; eliminated the Original Demon, considering it was already morning and there was no sign of Chandler and Cusack; and perhaps even disrupted his communication with the Demon King. Why else would Zeldris not be able to contact his Father?

Merely having the power of Five Commandments wouldn't change anything.

(Y/n) wasn't someone Zeldris could oppose. That was a fact, really. And the demon could only deny it for so long.

A sigh escaped him, as he began walking in the direction of the throne room, occasionally glancing outside the windows that he passed, but squinted and turned away when the sun shone too brightly for his eyes.

Pushing open the large doors embedded with gold detailing, Zeldris felt his entire body freeze.

There, illuminated by blue light, which glowed through the stained glass behind them, the figure that sat on the towering golden throne, engraved with a sun-like motif, was none other than (Y/n).

Body relaxed, expression equivalent to that of boredom, heterochromic eyes watching Zeldris from a slightly higher alleviation: (Y/n)'s figure appeared to belong on that throne, a grand envisionment of a ruler.

'Why are they here!?'

Upon the unexpected meeting, panic spiked within Zeldris. Unprepared, his body rigid, eyes looking slightly upwards to gaze at the human too; Zeldris clenched his fists, conflicted upon what to do.

Even when (Y/n)'s figure was small in comparison to the throne's collosal height and the palatial room, Zeldris still found them to be the most imposing, like everything else were merely lavish decorations that existed to furnish and embellish.

"The Demon King is dead." (Y/n)'s casual tone broke the silence. "I killed him."

Their declaration shocked Zeldris enough that he took a step back. He couldn't tell if this was a joke, or if the human was telling the truth. But that would explain why he couldn't contact his Father.

If (Y/n) really killed the Demon King, how was he supposed to feel? Was Zeldris supposed to be furious? Maybe despaired and hopeless? Perhaps even relieved that his Father, who he feared so much, was gone?

He was unsure. And the demon could only stand in place, gazing up at (Y/n) with a somewhat lost and disbelieved expression.

Watched his reaction for a few moments, the human posed a question. "What are you fighting for?"

It sunk Zeldris into a sea of confusion, where the demon forgot to even breath.

Why were they asking that?

Nonetheless, he thought about it. And Zeldris felt the needles of shame and regret sink into him when he realised that he was having difficulty in presenting an answer.

Was he fighting to become the next Demon King?

To avoid his Father's dissapointment?

To get revenge against the Goddess clan on behalf of the Demon clan?

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