Special Chapter

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Author's note :

On behalf of Gloxinia's birthday on the 18th, I provide you this special chapter. Don't mind the lateness.

I went for a modern setting (as well as a school au) where (Y/n) and Gloxinia are now in a relationship.

(And to the lovely reader who reminded me about Gloxinia's birthday - I lied, it isn't short as I intended at all. I hoped to make it half the usual chapters, but it's actually double them instead). Oh, well.


Classes have finally ended for the day, and many students wasted no time to flee the school, determined to get home as quickly as possible.

Though, some decided to take their time. Conversing happily with their friends, unhurried. It was a Friday, after all.

Meanwhile, unknown to these lingering students - and teachers, in an empty meeting room on the third floor, there was a top secret gathering - as (Y/n) would call it.

In the room was a long conference table, with 5 students sitting on the sides. And at the end of it sat (Y/n), with another student, Melascula, standing behind them, almost like a bodyguard.

(Y/n)'s head was tilted downwards, hiding their expression, and purposefully creating a serious atmosphere.

And their elbows were placed on top of the table, hands together and against their forehead. Again, for the tense effect.

"Alright, everyone's here. Good."

(Y/n) started, slowly and nonchalantly, as they glanced upwards (almost menacingly) to take note of the attendees.

The attendees in question are as following:
On (Y/n)'s left were King, Diane, and Ban.
On the right were Drole and Gerheade.

It would also be important to mention that these attendees (except for Melascula and Gerheade) were tied up.
Rope strapped them to their chairs - which was totally not at all concerning.

And King, in particular, had tape on his mouth, silencing him. Because according to (Y/n), he was too loud when they invited (kidnapped) him to the meeting.

Leaning back, and finally facing everyone directly, (Y/n) picked up a clipboard in front of them, and glanced at the paper attached to it, which listed the names of students invited to the meeting.

Unfortunately, Meliodas and Elaine were missing. Why, you ask?

Well, Meliodas was in detention. And this was actually a common occurrence. So (Y/n) didn't even bother looking for him.

And Elaine wasn't in school. Probably out sick, or something.

Either way, it didn't really matter. And the meeting proceeded as (Y/n) planned.

"First of all, I'd like to say thanks to everyone for their attendance."
(Y/n) expressed, knowing full well most of these students didn't even come here willingly, and were just dragged there.

"I've organised this meeting to discuss a very, very important issue, you see. I can't stress enough how crucial -"

Ban rudely interrupted them, an annoyed tone as he spoke.
"Get to the point, (Y/n). I'm not about to be trapped in school on a Friday for any longer than I need to be."

"Uh, also, can we be untied? I mean, we're here now?" Diane also requested.

(Y/n) gave him Ban a quick side glare, before motioning to Melascula behind them.

In turn, Melascula walked over to Diane and untied her. She did the same to the others, and then returned to (Y/n)'s side.

"Okay, simply put. Gloxinia's birthday is nearing. I need date ideas."

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