Chapter 31

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A pained grunt escaped Chandler as he was thrown into the ground by a sudden burst of momentum. He crashed into the earth, heavily and harshly, and a crater formed due to the impact.

'What was that?' Chandler thought to himself. That attack wasn't from magic. Instead, it seemed to be physical.

Levitating back up, he inspected the new enemy in front of him, who was holding an injured Gloxinia in their arms. (H/c) hair adorned their features, with heterochromic eyes staring at him.

They looked like a human.

Chandler could scoff in distaste. A human had that kind of physical strength? How irritating.

Moreover, the human was flying. But Chandler couldn't sense any magical power from them. It was weird.

And what was even more vexing was that human's expression. Gazing down at him indifferently, accompanied by a hint of anger, like he was a mere pesky fly.

'So infuriating. Let's see how long you can keep that face up when you die.'

Swinging his sword downwards, the impact of the cut travelled viciously towards the human. Yet, they simply countered the attack, waving their hand horizontally, using Full Counter.

Chandler's eyes widened, shocked that the human was able to do that. Only he and Meliodas were capable of using Full Counter. So how was this human able to do it?

He dodged the attack, glaring towards the enemy. They've only just appeared, but he wants them dead already.

Then his vision was obscured by a towering wall of ice (from Todoroki's quirk, BNHA), separating him from the human and the other two traitors.

Chandler scoffed. Did they really think that this will protect them? Unless it was just a short diversion for something.

It was definitely uncanny though. This wall of ice - it wasn't from magic, Chandler count sense any from it. So what was it? How was the human able to do this?

This also means using spells like Absolute Cancel or Magic Seal would be useless. Most inconvenient.

He flew forward, cutting the ice in two effortlessly, briskly searching for one of the enemies.

Spotting the human on the ground with the two traitors, Chandler noticed that Gloxinia no longer seemed injured, and was flying on his own next to Drole.

Did the human heal him? They could do that? Quite the enemy, they were.

Using Extermination Ray, the demon shot a beam towards the group. The moment the human uses Full Counter, he'll take the opportunity to attack them from behind, a blind spot.

Yet, the human acted differently to prevent the attack. Loosely crossing their arms in front of them, then extending them outwards, a pillar of earth emerged, followed by a minor resonated explosion. A translucent shield of jade formed around their body, as well as around Gloxinia and Drole. (Dominus Lapidis, Zhongli's skill, C2, Genshin)

Chandler's attack was simply absorbed by that jade shield. And to further infuriate him, the human shortly glanced at him, before focusing on Gloxinia and patting his head affectionately, like Chandler was not worth their attention.

They weren't taking this seriously at all.

'Damn human bug. I'll break that shield and kill you.'

Chandler thought, speeding over to the human, slicing his sword at them repeatedly. The damage of each attack being absorbed by the shield.

In response, the human casually flicked their fingers in his direction.

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