Chapter 2

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Gloxinia was preparing to lure strong fighters to Vaizel through flyers. With a wish to be granted to the winner of his Great Fight Festival. A very human method.

But whilst he was conversing with his close friend, Drole, Gloxinia felt something falling onto him, and quickly moved his arms to catch it.

He released a quiet yelp, and the thing? he caught gasped in what he would think of as relief.

His dark eyes turned to examine what or who he caught from falling.

A human?

This person looked like a human. With long (H/c) hair out of place due to the harsh wind, and heterochromic eyes looking at him in awe.

"Ha, you could say I fell for you just now."


Gloxinia stared at the person in his arms with mild bewilderment at their unexpected flirtation.

It is not everyday humans fall from the sky, right into him nonetheless. And it's not everyday that such a human would so boldly flirt seconds after.

Despite his curiosity, Gloxinia couldn't help but feel his growing resentment and weariness towards the human he's holding.

The betrayal of Rou and the others 3000 years ago still had a deep imprint on him. His entire perspective on humanity had drastically changed with negativity.

If it weren't for his puzzlement, Gloxinia would have dropped them by now.

Though, the human's flirtation got him confused and conflicted.
None of the races have ever spoken to him in such a way. And with such a smug smirk on their face.

It was unfamiliar. Gloxinia was both disgusted and interested.

This human was definitely afraid when they fell, but then they were suddenly flirting with him.

'Is flirting a coping mechanism for this human?'


(Y/n) recognised him the moment they uttered those words.


The Gloxinia.

The Gloxinia that they would simp over time and time again.

The Gloxinia that made them happy when he appeared on screen.
(He should have had more screen time).

The Gloxinia (Y/n) wished to so desperately to save. To meet. To have.

And despite him being fictional, (Y/n) could feel him holding their body.

They were ecstatic.

He was just as beautiful as always. No, he was even more prettier than in the anime.

(Y/n) would have questioned the possibility of this being a dream or reality.
But that fall through the air, the wind against them, the fast fear of death - that was undoubtedly real.

(Y/n) was sure.

They were in the anime 7 Deadly Sins.

They were in a world were dying was very possible.

They were in Gloxinia's arms.

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