Chapter 41

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When (Y/n) teleported in the usual village they bought apple pies, they were relieved that it didn't seem affected by any demon outbreaks. Instead, the market was bustling as ever.

Walking towards the stall, to which they've become a regular costumer, the old woman instantly recognised them, offering a nice and motherly smile.

"Three apple pies, please." (Y/n) managed to give a faint smile in return, their voice tensely even and calm.

'Damn, this is cruel.'

A village which prospered under (Y/n)'s patronage, and the place that held many shops that they remembered visiting.

This stall, where they bought apple pies, always in a batch of three. The clothing store, where they took Gloxinia. And the stall where they bought Drole a pork dish, his favourite food.

It... would've been nice if, one day, this stall's owner gathered enough money to upgrade her business into a shop, or a snack bar of sorts.

(Y/n) would've really liked to have taken Drole and Gloxinia to sit outside it, peacefully eating apple pies with whatever else the old woman would've added to the menu.

'If only I was more careful...'

Unbeknownst to them, (Y/n)'s expression was gradually becoming sombre, despite their small smile. And so, upon noticing something off about her regular costumer's carefree and untroubled demeanor, the old stall-owner's smile faded.

Pushing a small piece of candy in blue packaging towards (Y/n), she spoke in a gentle tone. "Life doesn't always go the way we want it to. But our troubles are lighter when we confide in others. Always remember that, child."

Eyes widening a little in suprise by the elder's advice, (Y/n) watched the old woman return to preparing their order of three apple pies, before slowly reaching for the candy.

'Am I that easy to read?' They thought, unwrapping the blue covering, and eating the candy.

It's true that they've been thinking about a lot of serious things lately, but they didn't want their feelings to be on display.

Still, it's true that talking about one's problems lightens the burden. Is it okay to do that with this lady?

She was really kind, but (Y/n) didn't want to vent or throw their life issues at her.

With a sigh, in the end, they spoke.

"Out of three, one's no longer present. But with these three apple pies, I can't seem to accept this yet, and decide that we're still here in three."

It's a hazy and unclear description, because (Y/n) didn't want to be specific.

How the old woman interpreted the 'one that was no longer present', whether she thought he died or had simply left, it didn't matter. The conclusion was still the same: he was no longer present.

Maybe the elderly stall-owner was unsure what to say in this situation, since for a short while, she remained quiet.

Though, it wasn't long after that (Y/n) noticed that the sunlight had dimmed, replaced by a canopy of shade. And they heard a familiar voice.

"Boss, one batch of those candies, please." Deep and so very familiar that (Y/n) froze.

It seemed the stall-owner recognised him. "Ah, costumer, thanks again for your services. On an errand for your pink-haired partner?"

While (Y/n)'s mind stilled, the giant individual behind them fluently answered with ease. "Nope. I'm looking for a friend."

Pausing, the elderly woman couldn't help but ask curiously. "What sort of friend?"

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