Chapter 47

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Staring intently at all the desserts laid out before her, Melascula's eyes shimmered in delight. Meanwhile, (Y/n) leaned back on their chair, amused at the snake's reaction.

Sipping their own beverage, (Y/n) glanced at the storyteller, who was enthusiastically describing the event of the town's salvation by a giant and a pink haired woman - obviously Drole and Melascula. It amused them greatly, especially since the saviour herself was trying so hard to not pay attention.

'In the end, Melascula is able to create her own place in the world.' (Y/n) noted, proud. It was a far contrast to the snake in the past, who relied on them and desperately tried to redeem herself to gain their favour.

Viewing her now, with gentle sunlight glowing on her pink hair, pleasantly eating a piece of strawberry cake, (Y/n) smiled warmly.

Yes, this was the nicest fate for her. It suited Melascula beautifully.


Several clothes were piled onto tables, which had been previously tried on by either (Y/n) or Melascula. Considering (Y/n) was a well-known wealthy visitor in this particular town by now, the small clothing shop gladly serviced the two excellently.

"You look stunning in white, Melascula. It compliments your hair a lot." (Y/n) praised, examing the white summer dress that now adorned Melascula. It was light and flowing, with some flower embroidery along the sleeves and the upper body.

Picking up a white ribbon, (Y/n) moved closer, tying the snake's hair up with it, and making a little bow.

Meanwhile, Melascula viewed herself in a mirror, her cheeks a faint pink, eyes fixated on her reflection. With an excited smile, she turned around. "Thank you, (Y/n). Can I have this outfit?"

Nodding in response, (Y/n) passed another dress, yellow and laced, onto the other. "I was gonna buy everything that suits you. Anyway, try this on too."

Dressing people up was unexpectedly entertaining. Plus Melascula was a model fitting all kinds of mixtures of outfits.

'Hmm... While I'm at it, might as well buy some outfits for myself and Gloxinia. Hehe, maybe I could find Drole a cane, a suit, and a tophat too~ Imagine."


A scent of bibliosmia provided the library with a homely yet ancient mood; with towering shelves containing both fiction and knowledge, it served as a splendid site for all scholars and academia enthusiasts.

Huddled together in one of the shelf passageways, however, two friends were quietly chuckling and haphazardly reacting to a piece of erotic text they found in the romance section.

"...ravenous lips wrapped around... Slurping and squelching sounds... Sweet juices came flooding out..." Melascula read in a whisper, often needing to pause when either her or (Y/n) broke out in a giggle - or in (Y/n)'s case, turned their back, placed their head on a bookshelf, then suddenly raised their head as if resurrected, and turned around again to continue.

"Melascula, read this, read this." (Y/n) pointed at a line that captivated their attention, before trying to hold in their laughter as they randomly began walking up and down the shelf passageway.

There was nothing quite like reacting over salacious and lewd stories with friends, whist trying to be quiet in a library at the same time.


In the sumptuous atmosphere of a personal art gallery inside a wealthy aristocrat's home (who wasn't aware of his unexpected visitors), (Y/n) and Melascula silently stared at a highly detailed painting of a murder scene, including a bloodied victim.

"Do you reckon the painter actually killed someone?" (Y/n) murmured, so their voice wouldn't alert any staff of the manor they were in. "The setting is very elaborate. I mean, look at those maggots, and the blood splodges."

"I know right? But if you're gonna kill someone, no need to make it messy."

Nodding in agreement, (Y/n) moved onto the next painting - one of different flowers symbolising love: red roses, white carnations, violets, and particularly, red gloxinias (representing passion and 'love at first sight').

'Oooh. Maybe I could buy this off from this guy's house later. I'll remember you.'

"Thinking about Gloxinia again?" Melascula chimed in, approaching (Y/n) and the painting. "I've never seen anyone more in love than the pair of you."

It was a compliment that (Y/n) really appreciated, and they smiled. "I am. By the way, if you decide to find a lover, Melascula, make sure they're devoted and respecting."

Passing (Y/n) to view the next painting, the snake chuckled. "What? Am I to make family introductions?"

"Of course! And with a 'family approved' stamp on them."


Sliding recklessly on ice, (Y/n) almost tumbled and smashed into a tree dressed in snow. "Damn, that scared the life out of me!"

Moving at a slower but more careful pace, Melascula slithered across the slippery surface to reach them, and extended her hand to pull them up. "Somehow you didn't totally assault that tree."

Yet, when (Y/n) reached for Melascula's hand and accept her help, she also managed to slip and they both collapsed onto the ice. At least they laughed it off.

"Yeah, this world needs to rush ahead and create ice skates or something."

When the two finally glided their way to snow, (Y/n) fell down with outstretched arms, proceeding to move their arms and legs in certain motions. Melascula followed suite, albeit confused at first.

An imprint of an angel-like silhouette was left in the snow once (Y/n) arose, joined by Melascula's snow angel a few moments later.

"That's so cute." Melascula expressed upon realising the intention of (Y/n)'s actions. "Should we make a snowman too?"

With a nod, the other formed a nucleated ball of snow, before rolling it along the ground. "You know, once the snow is thick enough, we can eat it." They randomly joked.

Melascula tilted her head. "Really? I can serve it with a side of ice for you too."

"I take that back. Gloxinia would probably scold me."


Nautical twilight accompanied (Y/n) and Melascula on their short stroll into the Fairy King's Forest. Orange streaks peeked from the horizon, touching a glowing moon amidst blue.

"Today was so fun! I love hanging out like this!" Melascula exclaimed, simply suprised by the sheer enjoyment this day provided her.

Seeing the snake so jovial also placed a smile on (Y/n)'s face. "Rate it out of 10. I'd say full marks for me."


"Exceeded 10, huh? You know what? I'm glad. Let's hang out again sometime."

"Yeah. And let's get drunk next time!" Melascula added, in which (Y/n) accepted.

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