Chapter 11

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(Y/n) watched as Estarossa was flung back into the distance, crashing through rock formations, which had also been damaged by that powerful flick.

Saitama's (from One Punch Man) pure physical strength was an excellent method to showcase their power. The 10 Commandments wouldn't have expected someone to intervene in their one-sided fight - much less somebody this strong. Such an unexpected turn of events will make them wary; plus, (Y/n) was not in the mood to be looked down upon.

An impassive expression overcame their face, as they locked eyes with Meliodas, who was laying on the ground, staring back dully with a glint of suprise.

(Y/n) was still a bit angry at him for injuring Gloxinia and Drole. But they decided to save him anyway.

If Meliodas dies, some of his emotions will be taken away by the Demon King. That will be a catalyst to many bothersome situations in the future.

Elizabeth would also be subjected to great grief upon his death. Even if it was kind of temporary, it was ultimately unfair. Why must she bear such suffering?
She was too kind to be constantly put through anguish. All for the sole reason of falling in love with the enemy - and maybe for starting the Holy War in the process, but that was mostly Meliodas. Besides, she currently has no knowledge of that either.

And so, since (Y/n) was here, omnipotent and currently omniscient, they figured that they might as well change it. Pull the author's strings a bit, maybe rearrange some, and untangle others - have some fun with it.

Additionally, (Y/n) came to recognise everyone in Britannia as actual people. Thanks to the time when they began to perceive Gloxinia differently, from a fictional character to a real individual. As a result, they decided to play messiah, and judicatator.

'Seriously, when did I develop a hero complex?' They sighed.

Though, even if they're perspective changed, (Y/n) wouldn't have saved Meliodas if it wasn't for their power.

In the past, back home, they were much more cautious. Still carefree, but not as much as they were now. They wouldn't have ever faced against such strong opponents to save someone else. The first priority was themselves.

The reason - the main factor that pushed them to act, was their power. (Y/n) was capable of doing many things that would've been impossible before.

They instantly went from weak to strong. And perhaps, this caused them to be overconfident. Well, only if they were defeated, of course. But strangely, they weren't too worried about that.

Power really does have the ability to change people.

(Y/n) couldn't help but feel conflicted over their decision.

Gloxinia was part of the 10 Commandments right now. He doesn't think positively of Meliodas, and the past still had adverse influence over him.

(Y/n)'s actions may be regarded as a betrayal.

Guilt plagued them, as they continually apologised in their mind.
They wanted to protect Gloxinia, not hurt him. (Y/n) just hoped that he didn't blame them.

'Does he hate me now? He wouldn't accuse all my affections to be an act, would he? I hope not. Please don't.'

At that point, they'd have just read the fairy's thoughts, in hopes that their negative anticipations proved to be false.
But they were afraid. Scared that they may be true instead. So they didn't.

Instead, they wallowed in sorrow. Sank farther into the sea of anxiety, as they were overcome with remorse.

'Is it too late? Is it still possible? To reconcile with him?'

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