Chapter 3

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Drole was perplexed.

He watched as Gloxinia caught a falling human, disturbing their conversation.

And he watched as the two stared at the other. They've been doing that for a while now.

If Drole didn't know any better about Gloxinia's human resentment, he would have thought both were experiencing love at first sight.

Maybe the human was though. Because their expression lit up after they spoke.


Gloxinia dropped (Y/n).

From his arms at least. They were still being held by Basquias, in its 10th form of Emerald Octo.

(Y/n) felt the octopus-like limbs wrapped loosely around their waist.

Their eyes glanced towards the tentacle's placement on their body, and (Y/n) immediately gained impure thoughts.

They were just glad that it wasn't slimy.

And it wasn't cold or hard either, like they thought it would have been.
The tentacles were quite soft and decently warm. Perhaps Gloxinia could control the features.

'With this, I wouldn't be against it being used insi-'

(Y/n)'s dirty thoughts were quickly interrupted by pink-faced Gloxinia.

"Who are you?"


Gloxinia decided to quickly change the subject of (Y/n)'s mind.

He could hear their heart and vaguely perceive their thoughts. So he rapidly tried to interrupt them with a question.

His cheeks felt warm as he did so. And once again, he felt conflicted between that sensation. Whether it was nice or not.

But most of all, Gloxinia was taken aback  by the human. They were unexpectedly perverted. And again, he wasn't used to anyone harbouring such dirty thoughts towards him.

It was strange.

'Could this human be attracted to me?'

His resentment of humans and his sudden shy confusion overwhelmed him.

Gloxinia felt an urge to run. To run away from this human who fell from the sky and made him experience strange things.

But he didn't.

Because this human's heart became so sincere and soft, brimming with silent positive determination.

Because this human's smirk turned into an earnest smile.

Because this human's eyes shone gently with benevolence.

Because this human's response made his breath hitch in astonishment.

All toward him. For him.

And despite his hatred of humans, Gloxinia felt a bit warm.

After he was betrayed by humans. Betrayed by those he considered close comrades.

After joining the 10 Commandments, the very enemy he was once fighting against.

After 3000 years of being sealed in darkness by the Goddesses, alone.

This human's light slowly evaporated it all away. His worries, his anger, his hatred, his darkness.

And for a moment, he really felt at peace.
Content with himself. Content with life.

But just as quickly and strongly, Gloxinia became overwhelmed, and felt the urge to run again.

'I need to get away.'

Usually, he would have tried to get rid of this human, responsible for making him feel such a frightening feeling.

But Gloxinia also felt strangely hopeful.

He gently placed the human on the ground with Basquias.

And left.


Gloxinia reminisced over the human's response to his question.

"I am the one who will save you."

That answer was unexpected. And he didn't quite understand.

Did the human mean it literally or metaphorically?

Slightly smiling to himself, he thought.

'Come and save me then.'

'I'll be waiting.'

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