Chapter 30

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"Increase!" King exclaimed as he sent multiple golden daggers towards Chandler, who was now in his demon form. However, the fairy's attacks proved to be futile, not even scratching Chandler.

Clearly, this was no longer a battle the 7 Deadly Sins can fight.

The Sins needed to get away. Even with Meliodas, Chandler was too difficult of an opponent.

How would they get away safely though? Chandler wouldn't just let them escape.

'I need to buy time.'

It was a pretty sacrificial decision. But what alternative was there?

Glancing to the right, in Ban's direction, King declared. "I'm gonna stay right here and buy you some time, alright? So, you take the others and run, Ban."

"Are you crazy? I can't just leave you here all by yourself." Ban yelled back, clearly displeased with King's decision.

The fairy looked away, as he retorted. "You'll only get in my way, so go! Lady Elizabeth, take Diane!" He then threw the small Diane into Elizabeth's arms.

"No way! I'm gonna stay here and fight with you!" Diane called out to him from Elizabeth's hand.


"I'm sorry. Not this time. I may be a lane excuse for a king... But even if it's only at the end, all I want... Is to protect you and the others!" King responded, in a slow and sentimental tone, starting to feel tears in his eyes as well.

And at this moment, he couldn't help but think back to (Y/n), his idol, his inspiration. And he recalled his declaration to them: That he'd prove himself, display maturity, and eventually show (Y/n) his progress, and earn their acceptance.

'Is this a mature decision, (Y/n)?'

Even if he doesn't have the power to properly protect his loved ones yet, he can at least buy time for everyone to escape.

That counts for something right?

'Choosing to sacrifice myself for those I care about... Does this prove myself to you, (Y/n)? Would you finally acknowledge me?'

King then heard Diane's devastated pleas from behind him, making it even more difficult to act on his sacrificial choice. "No, you can't! Please, no!"

'This display of loyalty and protection, please accept it.'

"I'm begging you. Just get out of here!" He burst out, increasing the power of his golden attack. Yet, Chandler simply swinged his long sword down into the ground, responding even more viciously with an attack of his own.

To King, the glowing blade of Chandler's sword appeared to be in slow motion, slowly itching closer to cut him, yet his body wasn't fast enough to move.

Was this it? The end?

But before it could harm him, King felt himself being picked up by a large hand.

He felt some of the bodies of his friends as well, and the bumpy jolt caused by the owner the hand, who swiftly moved away to avoid Chandler's attack.

Pulled to safety.


Running onto the scene, Drole witnessed the frantic 7 Deadly Sins being overwhelmed by a diabolical Chandler. The demon had a sword raised, as he brought it down with an impactful slash; the ground spit by the cut, smoke and steam escaping as a result of the heat and damage.

But just before the attack could land on the Sins, Drole had picked them up to avoid it, whilst Gloxinia lifted the tavern and Hawk Mama with a yellow spinning flower.

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