Chapter 35

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Waiting at the tavern, a tinge of anxiousness crept up Gloxinia's spine. (Y/n) was too powerful right now to be overpowered by the Demon King - he knew that - but nevertheless, the fairy couldn't help but worry.

If not for their physical health, then their mental state.

Drole's death seemed to have impacted (Y/n) quite severely. Not in the sense that they're in tears, but more so that they appear unusually tired, exhausted about something, in a rush.

And Gloxinia doesn't even know why.

He wanted to - so badly - be able to comfort them in some manner. But how could he when there's never an opportunity to do so? When he can't seem to understand even their burdens?

(Y/n)'s focus was detached, their thoughts hasty and dull, mind beyond the mere present. How glad Gloxinia was that the small kiss he gave was at least enough to ease their expression somewhat.

Though, to his suprise, (Y/n) appeared barely a second later. It was as if they never went to Purgatory.

'Is it usually this quick?'

Gloxinia thought, before noticing the slight calmness visible on (Y/n)'s expression - the Demon King's death has lifted one of their worries.

Then he felt their arms wrap around his body, tightly holding onto him, pulling him closer against them. (Y/n)'s head rested on the fairy's shoulder, their eyes closed, slowly relaxing their breathing.

An opportunity to be there for them; Gloxinia couldn't waste it. One arm caressing their back, whilst the other reached for (Y/n)'s hair, playing with some strands.

Oh, how he loved being close to them.

"There's still some things I have to do..." Their voice was muffled by his shoulder, yet the close proximity made their words audible. Gloxinia's eyes saddened a bit - though, unnoticeable to (Y/n).

Fleeting thoughts questioning his usefulness passed his mind for a moment. He couldn't help but feel...somewhat incompetent.

(Y/n) kept walking farther and farther from him, towards a destination he doesn't yet know. If Gloxinia were to reach his hand out for their figure, would he be able to grasp them?

"Can I...come with you?" His voice was gentle, a subtone of uncertainty.

'Please, don't handle everything on your own. I'm right here.'

(Y/n) lips touched his neck, softly placing a kiss on his skin. "I'm going to be teleporting to various locations. I don't want to bother you, not after what happened..."

Undoubtedly, they were referring to Drole's death. Gloxinia paused, not sure how to respond.

"Is it okay if I leave you for a bit? It may take a couple of hours - just to take care of some things. You can rest in the tavern in the meantime. You look equally tired as me, dear." (Y/n) softly voiced, careful with their words.

Equally tired? What a lie. It was clear they seemed more overwhelmed and weary than him.

'This hurts.' How can Gloxinia rest, when someone he cares abou- no... someone he loves is in this state? They're basically overworking themselves.

"On one condition: rest with me, at least for an hour." The fairy demanded, seriously and firmly.

Gloxinia can accept his lack of awareness regarding (Y/n)'s troubles - for now anyway. But he won't allow (Y/n) to overwhelm themselves like this.

Although he couldn't see their expression, the fairy felt their arms around his waist sqeeze a bit. A few more soft kisses were planted along his neck, trailing to his jaw.

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