Chapter 21

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(Y/n) gently placed a flower crown atop Gloxinia's head, and neatened up some strands of his red hair.

They figured now was a good time to give the crown to him. And they were glad they did, because the sight in front of them was enchanting. They even pulled back a bit to admire him further.

Gloxinia looked so pretty - enthralling and ethereal. Did they mention enchanting? White flowers definitely suited him.

And that dazed and blushing expression of his only added to his appeal.

'It fills me with pride - knowing that I'm the only one who can make him like this. Just seeing him in this state feels like an honour.'

"You're so pretty."

(Y/n) couldn't help but praise the fairy. And they were delighted to see Gloxinia's blush redden in response.

Taking out the other white flower crown they made from Inventory, they held it infront if Gloxinia - a hint for him to place it on their head himself, like they did to him.

The fairy understood. And he slowly took the crown out of their hands, and moved closer to place it on (Y/n)'s own head.

Following their example, he also tidied up their (H/c) hair, before admiring them himself, too.

(Y/n)'s hand reached for Gloxinia's, and they held it gently, rubbing small imaginary symbols on his palm.

"Now we match. Isn't it cute?" (Y/n) spoke, a cheerful tone in their voice.

Gloxinia didn't reply. Instead, he opted to bring his other hand to their's, and hold it with both of his.

Then, he proceeded to carefully guide their hand to his chest, right where his heart would be located. And (Y/n) could feel it's vibrations, the strong beating of his heart.



They didn't expect this.

Gloxinia wanted to show (Y/n) how he's affected by them. And the reason he even brought their hand to his chest, was so that they can feel his heart beating fast, for them.

'This is too much! My heart can't take this display of devotion right now!'

They thought, flustered over the fairy's unusual advances. Well, not quite an advance, but from Gloxinia, who didn't often make romantic approaches, (Y/n) classified it as such.

Speechless and heating up, their cheeks and ears felt warm. And it didn't help that Gloxinia was still staring at them, in awe at their reaction.

Unsurprisingly. This was basically the first time they appeared flustered by his actions. Usually, it was always the other way around.

Interrupting their romantic session (which (Y/n) was used to, at this point), Gerheade's voice was heard, an awkward yet curious tone. And the pair both turned to focus on her.

"Uh - the two of you... Are you..?"

(Y/n) completely forgot about the spectators, who had watched Gloxinia and their's interaction in silence, probably dumbfounded or too shy (maybe respectful) to interrupt them.

And how are they supposed to answer that unfinished question?

"You mean dating? Lovers? If so, no. Not yet, at least." They responded, to what they guessed Gerheade was asking about.

When they stayed in the forest with Diane and King, (Y/n) did inform Gerheade of their love towards her brother. After all, family's blessings of the one they were courting were important - and advantageous.

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