Chapter 10

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While Meliodas jumped to attack him, Gloxinia held a bright ball of magical energy. He simply swept a finger in a wide open circle motion, the fern green magic following his hand.
"Well, that's too bad! Is it?"

Basquias, in its authentic golden spear form, emerged from inside the circle. It fired a powerful beam towards Meliodas, which sent him far back through the rock maze of the Festival.

"(Y/n) must have healed you?" Gloxinia asked, diverting his attention to Drole; the giant nodded in confirmation.

"They're quite capable. Using a power of invisibility, which was enhanced by their natural lack of presence, (Y/n) was completely undetectable. They easily avoided Meliodas, and healed me without involving themselves farther."

Gloxinia didn't expect Drole to suddenly praise (Y/n). Nonetheless, he shared the same sentiments - as difficult as it was to admit.

A crush occured from Meliodas's direction, and Gloxinia saw him flying with his demonic power through the labyrinth walls.

The fairy exhaled irritatingly, as he used Cursed Vine Tree, summoning wooden monsters from the earth to hinder his path. Though, Meliodas destroyed them effortlessly, and punched Gloxinia in the stomach, hard.
"Old friend, it's goodbye."

Before Meliodas could strike again, the fairy felt himself being picked up by Drole, who attacked the enemy with shooting rocks, Giga Crush and Giga Fall.

^~|=• •=|~^

Slash. "One Thousand Divine Cuts!"

Crackle. Thud.

"Moon Rose Droplet of Life!"

Sparkle. Drip.

Whoosh. "Damn!" Slash.

"Giga Bick!" Thud.

(Y/n) viewed the battle, still invisible. Meliodas had seemingly gained the upper hand, constantly rendering one of the two unable to fight, keeping it one-on-one.

Additionally, the sight of an injured Gloxinia and Drole again really agitated them. They had an overflowing urge to join in the fight. To personally heal and protect the pair. But (Y/n) told them that they won't partake in the battle, unless Gloxinia called for them. They should've just done a speech on how the fairy needn't carry his burdens alone or something - that they can help.

They heard Gloxinia weakly speak. "Meliodas, you're both as powerful and naive as ever. Why would you take the side of those pathetic humans when you have so much potential among the demons?"

"If you chose to pursue it, you have the ability to succeed the throne of the Demon King himself. But not on your current path. I can see the horrific end that's in store for you because you cling to sentimentality." Drole added.

Meliodas performed a stance of attack. "If all that suffering has transformed you into what you are now, then why don't you let me put an end to it for you?"

Trying to dismiss Gloxinia's comment, (Y/n) felt themselves to be enraged by Meliodas's words. 'How dare he?'


Gloxinia felt Meliodas's excessive bloodlust. He was emitting far too much, that it will surely alert the other Commandments.

And he was right. Multiple dashing lines of demonic power sped towards the location. They plummeted down, earth crushing and dust scattering, and seven powerful figures surfaced.

There were now nine out of ten Commandments present. And only one of Meliodas.

The fairy let the others handle the situation. Instead, he tried to pick out (Y/n)'s thoughts, and locate them.

Gloxinia heard (Y/n)'s exasperation and anger, as he glanced in their direction, and smiled subtly.

'They're angry on my behalf.'

However, they were also slightly saddened. Gloxinia didn't know why - (Y/n) seemed to avoid thinking about it. He had a feeling it was because of him though, again.

(Y/n) must have noticed his eyes on them, because they moved more towards him, and he heard their voice in his mind.


The fairy stealthily scanned the other Commandments, to see if they heard as well. They didn't, none of them reacted.

'I'm using telepathy. Only you can hear me.'

'I see. That means you can hear my thoughts as well, right?'

'Yes. I wanted to ask you something.'

Gloxinia then felt a gentle touch on his wrist. He was momentarily startled before realising it was (Y/n), who he couldn't see, as Drole mentioned.

'Am I one of those pathetic humans you spoke of, too?'

His breath lodged in his throat, as that needle of guilt embedded itself into his skin. Of course they were hurt. He actually hurt them again. He hasn't even thought of apologising, has he?

Gloxinia was probably silent for too long, because (Y/n) sighed forlornly.
'Nevermind, forget it.'

The needle sank further. He couldn't think a reply, nor speak. Panic settled into him.

The battle around him became hazy; he was unaware of what exactly was happening. Only clatters of various sounds were heard, but they only added to his anxious turmoil.

The loud pained screams of Meliodas echoed through the surroundings, and Gloxinia just barely registered (Y/n)'s words when they spoke.

'I'm going to to do something reckless. might hate me for it.
But it might change some things. Plus, for right now at least, I think I want to minimise farther suffering.'

Gloxinia was confused, but he instantly understood when (Y/n)'s hands left his wrist.

Their figure became visible as they drifted towards a severely injured Meliodas on the ground, with Estarossa's foot harshly pressed against his chest, cracking a few bones.

(Y/n) held their arm out towards Estarossa, and they flicked their fingers. A violent, rushing force then threw the target backwards, crashing him into the rock landforms afar.

The Commandments were shocked at the sudden appearance of a new powerful individual. The person didn't even use magic; that was pure physical power.

"I've decided to save Meliodas."

'Im sorry, Gloxinia. Please understand.'

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