Chapter 49

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Screen light glowed upon their face, as (Y/n) used their phone to search potential places for dates and make reservations. Meanwhile, embracing them, a sleeping fairy nuzzled their face further into their neck.

Turning their attention to Gloxinia's reposeful face, their fingers touched his cheek, before brushing through his hair. Leaving a kiss on his forehead, they watched him stir, a quiet mumble of their name leaving his lips.

'You're so cute, my love.' (Y/n) smiled, admiring their boyfriend.

Though, soon their thoughts crept into possibilities of dimensional teleportation. 'Should I quickly see if I can teleport back?'

Ripples of stinging pained their left eye, and their surroundings warped into a bedroom inside the Sacred Tree. Guess they were worried earlier for nothing.

Teleporting back to their first home, and into their lover's arms, (Y/n) proceeded to shift and try to get up from bed. However, a hand held them in place, and pulled them back.

"Stay like this a while longer..." Gloxinia's sleepy murmurs persuaded them to remain. His hold on them tightened, as he clinged to their body, refusing to be separated. 'So adorable!'

Relenting to his wishes, (Y/n)'s hand slid up his spine, caressing his black and shoulders. 'He's becoming more and more clingy. I really got a fairytale going for me, don't I?' They chuckled at their thoughts.

"Love, want to go on a date today? I was thinking the theatre, then a restaurant." Smiling, they asked softly. In response, the fairy nodded, albeit a little hesitant.

"I know I don't know much about your world, but can I organise tomorrow's date?" Gloxinia requested, his eyes still closed, cuddling (Y/n).

"Of course. I look forward to it!" Cheerful acceptance answered his wish. "I'll give you some money, so suprise me."

As for his wings... They can just make them invisible.


Day 1: Theatre

Gloxinia in a suit was worship worthy. A white collar fitted around his neck, with a golden tie travelling downwards, meeting the sunrise yellow floral pattern embroidered on a black waistcoat. Red hair tied in a high ponytail, a brooch pinned to his trench coat.

"Dearest, you're so gorgeous I won't be able to take my eyes of you. I'm afraid I'll miss what's happening on stage."(Y/n) couldn't help themselves from complimenting the fairy.

Gloxinia, who's become familiar with his lover's tactics, just smiled. "If you truly meant that, you should've kissed me by now, don't you think?"

Taking the invitation, (Y/n) first reached for his hand, planting a gentle kiss over his knuckles, before lightly pulling him closer to them. Leaning in to kiss his lips, sedate and tender, their other hand languidly caressed his cheek.

Pulling away, yet still close enough for another kiss, they teased. "Satisfied? Or shall I please you some more?"

Gloxinia's response was pulling their hand, guiding them towards the door, and turning his head to hide his pink shaded cheeks. "Don't get carried away, or we'll miss the musical."


Day 2: Hot Air Balloon

Seated in the hazel box of a red hot air balloon, with a small table in the centre, laid with cloth, dishes, and drinks: (Y/n) was actually positively suprised by Gloxinia's idea for a date.

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