Chapter 16

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As their conscious returned from their peaceful slumber, (Y/n) slowly became aware of their surroundings.

They felt their head lying on someone's thighs - undoubtedly, Gloxinia's (by the scent of ginger). And if this position wasn't already something to die for, then the softness and warmth of his thighs definitely were.

'I'll cherish this moment for the rest of my life.'

It was simply to glorious; (Y/n) felt ecstatic. Ten out of ten. Will definitely do again.

However, first of all, (Y/n) figured they should apologise.

Despite knowing Gloxinia's past, they still basically betrayed him, and chose to save Meliodas. This matter has weighed down on them heavily for a while now.

So, with their eyes still closed, (Y/n) threw their hands around the fairy's waist, holding onto him firmly.

A surprised gasp was heard from the other in response, and they felt his body tense up in their clutch.

(Y/n) burrowed their head into his chest, as they muttered an apology. "I'm sorry."

Then, in attempt to be more sincere, they slightly raised themselves to make eye contact with Gloxinia (bravely - may they add).

"I'm sorry, Gloxinia. That day, I saved Meliodas, and betrayed you, and Drole, as a result. For that, I'm sorry."

Noticing the fairy's lack of reaction, a strong sense of fear overcame (Y/n). Was it not working? Did he not forgive them? Does he potentially hate them now?

They broke eye contact, and tilted their head downwards instead, avoiding his eyes.

Voice starting to waver, they continued. All their bottled up emotions and guilt regarding the matter bursting, escaping from them through words.

"Were you mad? I'm sorry, I was wrong. I didn't think it through."

(Y/n) internally cursed themselves. This was so uncharacteristic of them.

Usually, their pride would often get in the way of any apologies they intended to make. But now, they were doing that exact thing. And if that wasn't bad enough, it was so excessive, as well.

On the other hand, (Y/n) was overthinking about the consequences of their decision. They were filled with terror at the prospect that Gloxinia detested them as a result.

The main reason they were here in Britannia was for Gloxinia. Their ultimate ambition was to save him, but they couldn't be satisfied with just that.

(Y/n) sought romance with the fairy: interacting with him, forming a relationship, holding hands, kissing him.

In summery, they wanted to love him, and for him to love them back.

So, if their actions caused Gloxinia to hate them, then that ruins everything.

Of course, they can always recover and find a new purpose. But, it wouldn't be the same, and moving on was just not always the easiest.

Consequently, (Y/n) felt a growing sensation of self-hatred befall them. For their uncharacteristic and excessive apologies, to their betrayal and overthinking.

And at last, with their head still turned downwards, (Y/n) woefully mumbled.

"Please don't hate me."

Because at this point, they were starting to hate themselves too.


Unaware that they were awake, Gloxinia was startled when (Y/n) suddenly wrapped their arms around his waist.

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