Chapter 9

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After a short pause, Meliodas leaped forward to attack. Drole swinged his top right arm at him in retaliation, which was simply blocked with a kick. His punches with his two bottom arms also proved ineffective.

Drole couldn't use his forth arm, as he was using it to hold (Y/n). He wanted to keep the human safe; not only because he favoured them and for Gloxinia, but also due to his guilt of having them being dragged into this conflict.

He made sure to fully cover their body, as to keep them hidden from Meliodas and any other enemies. The last thing he wanted was for them to be taken hostage and put in danger. After all, Drole was unsure how well (Y/n) was able to fight, but he didn't want to gamble on it.

Meliodas then ran up his chest and threw an uppercut punch, before grabbing his shortsword, Lostvayne, and slashing both of Drole's left arms.

'No! That's the hand with (Y/n)!'
He was beyond worried as he watched his arms fall, one which previously held the human. Yet the giant saw (Y/n) simply floating towards him after, to which he sighed in relief.

The appearance of the new figure also gave rise to many questions from the participants. Who were they? Why were they there? Are they also an enemy?

Drole trailed his fingers over the blood that was now on his chest, tasting it as he brought a right hand to his lips.
"You anticipated this?"

The one spoken to, Meliodas, had his back turned towards Drole as he explained. "Yeah. I've been waiting for this moment. For the chance to catch you off guard and strike. If I attacked you by myself head-on, you'd have your guard up and be ready for me, right? Under circumstances like that, there's no way I could win."

As Drole listened, he spotted (Y/n) flying to his ear, and heard them whisper.
"Should I join in the fight and help you two?"

And he murmured back. "Don't worry. This is a battle between Meliodas, Gloxinia and I. You needn't be dragged into it."

(Y/n) nodded, and then Drole felt their hand on his cheek, and his physical pain disappear. The sensation of his left arms also came back, as he examined to see that they were still attached to his body, like they were never cut off in the first place.

He didn't ask. It wasn't really the time. And (Y/n) probably would've excused themselves with their transcendent identity anyway.

The human then drew back and flew in Gloxinia's direction, who was healed too it seems. Most likely from that weird blue swirly loop (Y/n) placed on them earlier.

Meanwhile, unaware of their exchange, Meliodas continued to speak. "To get you to let your defences down, I came here as someone who wanted to have a little fun with his friends. Of course, I've never mentioned this plan to any of them. Cause that magic eye of yours would've seen through that right away. And all I had to do was wait for you guys to leave yourselves exposed. Luckily, Escanor created the perfect opportunity."

"I admit that it would've been a struggle for us too, if we'd been forced to battle you one-on-one. However, you've made one fatal mistake." Drole acknowledged. Next, he made some rotating hand gestures and yelled. "I summon Gigant Embrace!"


Gloxinia felt his pain slowly dissipate as he laid down on his stomach.
(Y/n) sure is pretty impressive. The loop they cast onto him healed him rather gradually, but it was consistent. It's useful for a drawn-out battle.

Thinking of (Y/n), he caught them floating down, landing on the ground in front of him.

"You're not in pain anymore, right?"

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