Chapter 37

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Walking into the main room of the tavern, Elizabeth looked around, finding no sight of the human figure she sought, nor the Fairy King she presumed was now (Y/n)'s lover.

"Something wrong, Elizabeth? Are you looking for something?" Diane's voice inquired, as she moved closer to her Goddess friend.

Elizabeth immediately greeted the giant, relieved that she wouldn't have to search blindly. "Oh, Diane! Do you know where (Y/n) is?"

"Gloxinia took them upstairs." Diane answered, whilst King added a short comment afterwards. "Literally - in his arms and everything."

Meliodas, who had been beside the Goddess, chimed into the conversation. "Woah, like carrying them? I didn't know he was the romantic type."

Meanwhile, Elizabeth thought to herself. 'In his arms? So they must be lovers, right?'

To think that her old friend has now fallen in love with such an amazing person - especially, a human. Does that mean he overcame his history with that race?

However, Elizabeth will hold back from assuming anything. Right now, she just needed to find (Y/n). Hopefully, her appearance won't be interrupting nor walking into anything.

Expressing some short words of verbal gratitude, she travelled upstairs, with Meliodas following behind her.

Although, the battle against Chandler and Cusack was permanently over, the situation for the 7 Deadly Sins remained tense because of Elizabeth's curse. Especially for Meliodas, since the Goddess's death will affect him the most.

That's why, it was imperative that they find out whether (Y/n) is really able to break the curse.

Knocking twice on the door of one of the rooms, Elizabeth waited for a moment, before to her suprise, Meliodas simply barged in, the door opening widely.

From behind the demon, Elizabeth caught sight of the two figures that were cuddled together in the bed. Gloxinia's back and wings were turned to the door, and (Y/n)'s arms were around him, with their face nuzzled in his neck.

At least they didn't walk into anything. But the Goddess did feel like she and Meliodas were interrupting.

Meanwhile, the demon called out to (Y/n). Though his words were interrupted. "Hey (Y/n), I was wo-"

"Shut up."

It was a quiet yet stifling response that immediately shut Meliodas up. (Y/n) didn't make any indication of movement, their face still obscured in Gloxinia's neck and by their hair.

"My Gloxinia's asleep. So whatever you have to say, it can wait."

Even though Elizabeth didn't know (Y/n) particularly well, she never expected such a cold response from them, considering the human helped the 7 Deadly Sins multiple times.

"Talk about being overprotective." Meliodas mumbled to himself, discreet to avoid (Y/n) hearing his words.

Elizabeth refrained from shaking her head. Considering whatever those two have encountered, it was reasonable that (Y/n) just wanted Gloxinia to be able to sleep peacefully.

"Leave." Their voice ordered again with a firmer and more demanding tone this time. (Y/n) was clearly not in the mood for conversation.

Yet that didn't deter Meliodas. Softly, he voiced in an almost pleading manner, which was uncharacteristic for him. "It's about Elizabeth's curse. Please."

Silence occupied the room, before (Y/n) slightly lifted their head from Gloxinia's neck, so that their heterochromic eyes were visible, which were slightly drooping and darkened - obviously signs of fatigue. And blinking repeatedly as if the human was on the verge of falling asleep, yet trying to stay awake for a moment longer.

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