Chapter 36

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(Y/n) softly called out, after they finished the bowl of fruits the fairy prepared for them and drank some water.

In turn, Gloxinia hummed questioningly, gazing at them with his full attention.

"Cuddle with me."

For a moment, they were a bit concerned that they sounded too demanding. Though, easing their thoughts, a smile grew on the fairy's face at the command.

Moving closer to (Y/n), Gloxinia lifted them from the stool they were previously sat on. His arms held them in a bridal style: one holding them by the shoulders and upper back, the other by their knees, while their head was placed against his bare chest.

Not expecting Gloxinia's action, (Y/n)'s eyes widened slightly. Was it just them, or did their pretty boy become bolder?

"We'll be in one of the rooms upstairs." His soft voice informed the others in the room (Hawks, King, and Diane), before whisking (Y/n) away.

Finding an empty room, Gloxinia slowly entered and shut the door, careful not to drop (Y/n). Once inside, he placed them gently on the bed, which was in the corner of the room, before climbing on himself.

Internally, (Y/n) was delighted over this treatment. It felt nice to be cared for like this, especially by Gloxinia.

He understood that just because they were powerful, it doesn't necessarily mean they're always in a great condition. And that warmed their heart.

However, the thought of changing did eventually occupy their mind. Currently, their clothing withstood two battles, as well as the environment of Purgatory. So (Y/n) didn't want to wear them on the bed when cuddling for a long time; it was both unhygienic and uncomfortable.

Gloxinia seemed to have read their thoughts, because he tilted his head, his words considerate. "Want me to leave for a moment?"

'Look at his respectfulness! That's a green flag right there!'

Reaching their hands towards his cheeks, (Y/n) gently squeezed, before leaning in to offer a quick kiss on his forehead. Meanwhile, Gloxinia's face was rosy, and his eyes were wandering to the side, appearing both shy and lost at their action.

'So cute.'

"If you're gonna do that, then go into another room and change as well." (Y/n)'s hands left the fairy's cheeks, opting to instead take out a pair of loose harem pants from Inventory.

No point giving him a shirt since he's probably not gonna wear it. Not that they were complaining, of course.

With a nod, Gloxinia accepted the clothing, before he left the room momentarily. (Y/n) watched his retreating form, which disappeared behind the door.

'He'd look good in a tight-fitting shirt...'

It was an appealing thought. Who knows? Maybe the sight of pretty people helped with negativity and loss?

Or maybe not. And (Y/n)'s just slowly losing their sanity, which is nothing new.

Brushing their internal conversation away, they removed their current clothing, placing it in Inventory. Then they dressed in something more clean and comfortable.

A blanket was pulled over their figure, not fully, but more like they were hugging it. (Y/n) rested their head on a pillow, their eyes soon turning melancholic.

Staring into space.

Now isolated by silence, their mind drifted to unwanted topics. But trying to not think about them just made (Y/n) think about them.

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