Chapter 20

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During King and Diane's kiss, (Y/n) saw the fairy's body become limp, as he fainted in Diane's hands, face red. The giant, in turn, called out to him in worry, and continued to hold onto him.

(Y/n) let out a small, but audible chuckle at the scene. "You can count on King to lose consciousness during his first kiss. That's as virgin as it gets."

Diane looked at them, questioningly. "I'm guessing you're gonna use this against King?"

"You mean bully him when he wakes up? Absolutely." (Y/n) proudly stated.
"Such an opportunity - I can't waste it, you know."

A sigh escaped Diane at their response. Content, yet with mock frustration, like she was used to (Y/n)'s behaviour by now, and doesn't bother to stop them anymore.

Then, ending the topic of conversation, Gloxinia's voice interrupted, suggesting their next actions.
"Since everything has been dealt with, we'll take you two back to the Fairy King's Forest. Drole, (Y/n), and I will be staying there too."

Turning to (Y/n), he asked for their approval. "Is that alright with you?"

They smiled softly.
This question implied that Gloxinia was hoping they'll join him and Drole on their journeys from now on. Since he's not asking if they'll join him, but if the next trip was fine with them.

Basically, they officially became part of the close friendship of Drole and Gloxinia - permanently now.

"Sure, sure."


Now in the Fairy King's Forest, Gloxinia was currently reconciling with Gerheade, his sister.

(Y/n) wasn't there, temporarily leaving, saying that they want to give the siblings some privacy.

Listened to Gerheade's cracked sobs, Gloxinia comforted her in his arms. Slowly and somberly, he apologised.

"I'm not gonna ask you to forgive me now. Just let me say I'm sorry. Sorry about Rou and for being too afraid to even see if you were dead or alive."

"That's all in the past. And besides, both of us, we knew it was going to happen." Gerheade replied, tears cascading down her cheeks. "I missed you."

Neither spoke further, and Gloxinia continued to silently comfort his sister instead.

After a while, he heard growls and glanced in the direction of the sound. There, he saw the Black Hound, Oslo, who has enlarged himself, as an act of intimidation.

"No, easy! Calm down!" Gerheade yelled in slight panic, before explaining. "Oslo, this is my older brother. He's not our enemy!"

"Oslo, wait!" King also called out.

"Who can blame him for being hostile towards me?" Gloxinia simply said, staring at Oslo, a smile present on his face. "Hey there."

Oslo seemed to have accepted the explanation, because he became smaller. He cuddled up to Gerheade when she flew down to him, who petted him in return.

"Oslo here was born not too long after you first vanished, brother. As soon as he was old enough, he took your place as my protector. And now, since I'm not able to serve him in the same way, he's protecting King Harlequin in my place."

Rapidly shaking his tail, Oslo licked Gerheade. She laughed at the action. "Now, come on! Hey, stop that, Oslo!"

Gloxinia gaped in suprise at the information, eyes widened.

'Huh? Don't tell me that's...' He thought in realisation. The fairy recalled Rou during the Holy War, and that he heard the voice of his heart that day.

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