Chapter 23

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"Victory." (Y/n) simply stated, as they used Telekinesis (from Saiki K) to dig a line, using a broken tree branch, through three diagonal crosses on the 3x3 grid that was drawn into the earth.

Currently, they were playing noughts and crosses with Drole, who sat opposite them, in order to pass the time. And they were on a really high winning streak actually.

Meanwhile, Gloxinia levitated comfortably above the ground, watching the two play the game - as well as studying the tactics used.

Though, the game was quickly becoming repetitive for (Y/n), after 54 rounds. And they were starting to get bored again.

Entertainment was so lacking in the late medieval period that 7 Deadly Sins was set in. And so, to provide themselves some form of enjoyment, this was the means they had to resort to.

'I miss my phone so much.' They couldn't help but reminisce about the rectangle device, which held all their fun games and socials, as well as fanfiction.

How did people in this era even survive without such technology? (Y/n), for one, was disintegrating out of boredom.

"That's the 39th time I won. Out of a total of 54 rounds - in which 11 were a draw." (Y/n) asserted, as they returned their attention to Drole, who was looking away, seemingly a bit embarrassed.

"I must say, witnessing such a great losing streak is a first for me. You're pretty terrible at games, Drole."

"Well - I'm not used to them." The giant explained in defence, with a sheepish yet forlorn tone.

"I didn't get to play such games when I was younger. Since strength is what the Giant clan values most of all, I trained instead. That's how I became the Giant King."

(Y/n) sombrely gazed at Drole as he spoke, feeling and displaying a solemn sense of compassion for the giant.

"It must've been hard - losing such a vital piece of childhood." They muttered, just loud enough for Drole to hear.

Then, a smile replaced their sad sympathetic expression, as they cordially declared.

"In that case, I'll play as many games with you as your heart desires, Drole. I'll teach them all to you."

In response, the giant stared at them in awe, feeling a great appreciation. "Thank you, (Y/n)."

"Of course, anytime." (Y/n) replied, as the rose from their sitting position, and stretched to ease any discomfort.

"Speaking of which, do you two want to join me on a shopping trip? I've been meaning to buy clothes and some other necessities."

"Shopping? In human villages?" Gloxinia inquired, floating lower towards them.


Drole joined in the conversation, adding his own input. "I've heard that some of those settlements have fallen under the demons' rule. So, shopping might be difficult."

"That's fine. I'll find a village that has not yet been touched by them. And I can free any other's I encounter from the control of the Commandments. Shouldn't be an issue." (Y/n) verbalised, carefree and confident, before repeating their question again.

"So, do any of you want to join me?"

Gloxinia was the first to respond, though slightly unsure. "I wouldn't mind. But then, what about protecting the Fairy King's Forest?"

"I'll stay and take care of that. Don't worry." Drole decided, solving the fairy's concerns.

"Are you sure, Drole?" Gloxinia asked.

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