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As Donghyuck got ready for work, he could not help the nervousness that erupted throughout his body. He was going to possibly see his son after almost two years and he was worried his son would hate him—he was even worried that his son may have even forgotten him. He did not know which was worse but he surely hoped it was neither. And what if he saw Mark and the older found out it was him that gave birth to Dongmin? How would he think of him as a father? He was terrified that both of them would despise him.

He found the best pair of clothes he owned that had no stains and no rips: a pair of khakis pants and a black button up that Ten let him take home from the club a few months ago. Not only was Ten a stripper, but he was the makeup artist and stylist so Donghyuck was able to borrow a few things and return them back to the club's wardrobe with the permission of the older.

Looking at his beat up sneakers, he frowned and began to feel self conscious. What if Mark sees him and judges him? What if both Dongmin and/or Mark find him disgusting like everyone else? Donghyuck bit his lip to suppress his tears and grabbed his bag before he left his apartment, locking his door behind him.

Walking through his terrible neighborhood, elder people with scarce clothes and dirty bodies eyed the younger's movements carefully which made Donghyuck's heart beat quicken. He knew what those looks meant as their eyes hungrily yet disgustedly observing him. Donghyuck did his best not to make eye contact with anyone as he remembered the story of what happened when a visitor came and looked at one of them...let's just say they were not able to see or talk or walk or live again.

Donghyuck picked up his pace as he stared at the ground, watching his beat up sneakers rip with each step he took while rocks slid into them. The neighborhood was so gloomy and dark. And once Donghyuck finally made it out of there, he could see how different his neighborhood looked than the other streets of the city which were bright and busy. Donghyuck let out a breath he had not realized he was holding in all this time as he continued walking to the daycare center.

He kept his eyes lowered, afraid of witnessing the judging stares on people's faces as he walked. Though next thing he knew, he was on the floor of the sidewalk with butt as he had accidentally collided with someone. Donghyuck did not dare look up at the person as he hurried to stand back up and dust off the back of his khakis, mumbling apologies with a bow. Before he was about to continue walking, a veiny hand gripped Donghyuck's wrist which made the tanned male flinch and pull his hand away—a bit rougher than he intended.

"Woah! I'm sorry about that," a familiar voice spoke as Donghyuck glanced to look at the person, the same man from the club with golden brown hair now styled in a mullet. Donghyuck recognized him and forced a small smile. The man had absolutely no idea who Donghyuck was anyway since he always kept Haechan a secret and disguise.

"It's my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going so I apologize," Donghyuck explained with a bow as the man smiled. He was styled in a white turtleneck with a black and white checked suit jacket over it and black slacks. Donghyuck thought he looked pretty handsome, though he would not feel like he has a crush or anything like that. He just admires and appreciates people's beauty without having feelings otherwise.

"I'm Minho," the man now identified as Minho, introduced with his hand out for the younger to shake. Donghyuck looked down at the hand with dull eyes, contemplating on whether or not he wanted to shake this stranger's hand. Nobody had ever wanted to introduce themselves to him before or even approach him to talk to him so Donghyuck felt it was skeptical.

Minho sensed his hesitation and awkwardly moved his hand to his own hair, brushing it back with his fingers as he chuckled. "I don't mean to make you uncomfortable and I'm sorry if that's how I'm coming off." Donghyuck squinted his eyes slightly at the other man as if he was trying to read him, but found nothing. Minho moved his eyes side to side with awkwardness as Donghyuck finally spoke with a head shake. "I'm Donghyuck."

It's Yours {Markhyuck}|| Completed Where stories live. Discover now