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⚠️ Non-detailed sex scene towards the middle of the chapter⚠️

"Ready?" Mark asked the younger. The two of them were getting ready at Mark's house, Donghyuck borrowing the older's clothes to wear for the party since he claimed that he did not want to go all the way back to his house to get a pair. The older wore a white fitted t shirt underneath a black leather jacket and black ripped jeans. The younger wore one of Mark's black button up shirts that was a bit big on him and a pair of white pants that he used a belt to keep up. Donghyuck was nervous for this party and he had a bad feel about it. He did not know why, but as long as he was with Mark, he guessed it will be okay.

Everyone was expecting the older there so he had to do this for Mark even if he did not want to. "Yeah," Donghyuck uttered shyly, taking in Mark's godly appearance. Mark always managed to look good in everything and it made Donghyuck blush when he was around him. How does the older manage to look this good all the time? Donghyuck was not sure but just thinking about other people being able to see Mark like this, made him feel uneasy. The older's parents were not even going to be home tonight due to a business trip that had to attend over the weekend. Donghyuck had also called off from his job at the club for this party, something he would never do.

Mark drove the two of them to the party that was about twenty or so minutes away from his house. They arrived at the party a bit after seven in the evening, the sun almost fully set as cars were lined up along the street of housing developments. The car was parked and they exited the car at the same time, Donghyuck taking a deep breath in before releasing it. A setting with loud music and a crowded atmosphere always made the younger feel overwhelmed. He was getting better with it because he works at the club, but he will never get used to it.

It was not like he could perform his dance and forget the world like he does at the club. No, this was a party. A party that people wanted Mark to so badly attend so Donghyuck can not screw this up and embarrass the older. The loud music could be heard even though they had not entered the house yet as people were lingering in the front yard and porch with cups in their hands as they interacted with one another. Donghyuck felt a hand clasp with his smaller ones, recognizing the feeling of Mark immediately. He stared down at their clutched hands as the older spoke sweetly, "I'll be with you the whole time, sunshine." And Mark's words sent Donghyuck's cheeks to heat up.

Mark guided both of them into the building, embracing the laid back and loud atmosphere which had Donghyuck subconsciously tightening his hold in Mark's hand. Not even seconds that they entered the party, the two of them were bombarded with people that knew of Mark and wanted to talk to him. It felt like they were circling and closing in around them which made Donghyuck feel a slight panic coming on. However with Mark sensing this, he greeted the others while pulling Donghyuck closer to him to wrap an arm around his waist. If the people Mark was talking to saw this, they did not say anything about it as they continued keeping a conversation going with the older. Mark was quite popular.

Donghyuck did not like eyes on him and he did not like being the center of attention if he did not need to be. He knew people were questioning why he was here with Mark even though he was not invited and it made Donghyuck feel self conscious so he turned his body around in Mark's arm and hid his face in the older's neck, inhaling the older's signature scent to calm himself down as Mark rubbed his side comfortingly. Soon, he found them moving somewhere else in the house as Donghyuck heard others telling Mark to have a drink.

If Mark was going to drink, he was not going to tell his parents or anything like that. And besides, Mark was going to be an adult next month anyway. It got to a point where Mark's friends even suggested that Donghyuck should have a drink or two to loosen up a bit, but Mark protectively tightened his hold and told them that if the younger wanted to, then he would. Eventually they ended up on the couch sitting next to each other while Mark was drinking some alcohol in a red cup. Being around alcohol made Donghyuck think about his parents and it made him upset.

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