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Their lips molded together like a puzzle, Mark circling an around Donghyuck's waist to pull the younger away from the wall and into his body while his free hand cupped the back of the red head's neck. Mark tasted something salty and cold on his lips before slowly pulling away to watch Donghyuck slowly flutter his glossy eyes open. Mark brought his hands to Donghyuck's cheeks to cup them and wipe the younger's tears away before suddenly, the tanned male threw his arms around the older's neck and brought him in for another kiss. Donghyuck's lips felt so good against Mark's and they both wondered why they never done this earlier.

Donghyuck pulled away to catch his breath as he stumbled over his words, "M-Mark I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I'm sorry for being such a terrible parent. I'm sorry for being such a disgrace. I-I don't know what to say but sorry b-because it's all my fault. I shouldn't have let it get to this. I should've told you sooner about Dongmin instead of just leaving him with you. I don't understand why everything has to go so wrong. I-I just wanted to protect him Mark I swear."

"I don't live in the best neighborhood, but that doesn't matter anymore because I got evicted and have no where to fucking go now but I did everything for Dongmin. I have been working two jobs to earn extra money just for him but then it got dangerous and I had to give him to you so I can settle things and get on my feet. There was not a single day where I didn't miss Dongmin or you. I missed you like crazy and I'm just such a horrible person but Mark...please...don't take Dongmin away from me. H-he was all I had when I had nothing. I sacrificed every single penny I owned for him and I would do it again too as long as he is with me. Please...please don't take him from me," Donghyuck sobbed as he dropped to his knees and lowered his head while clutching Mark's hands in his sweaty ones.

It broke Mark to see the younger pleading in front of him like this and he wished he never did that. Mark would never take a child away from their parent and Mark would also never keep himself away from the younger. He does not hate him and he does not think he is or disgusting or a terrible parent at all. Mark thinks of Donghyuck as such a wonderful father, a parent who would do everything and anything just for his kid. The older pulled Donghyuck up by his hands and lifted him in his arms as if it were the most easiest and natural thing.

Subconsciously, Donghyuck circled his arms and legs around Mark for comfort as Mark held him tighter...too afraid to let go. Donghyuck sobbed into Mark's neck, "Please d-don't take me him away from me, Minhyung. I love him so much." Mark shushed the younger, rubbing his back to calm the crying tanned male in his arms. Mark moved them to sit beside Dongmin who was still fast asleep on the rug with the younger still clutched in his lap. When the younger's sobs died down to small whimpers and a few hiccups here and there, Mark spoke.

"Why would I ever do such a thing, baby? I would never take Dongmin away from you. You had your reasons for doing what you did, I remember from your letter. It hurts me to see you cry like this because I love you so much," he confessed. "I always have loved you and I never stopped even after we were apart from each other. And I'm so so sorry about things you had to go through, feeling like you had no one to come to. I want you to know that you can always come to me with anything no matter how big or small and I will always be here for you." Donghyuck pulled his face from Mark's neck to look at the older with a puffy face.

How could Mark constantly be so sweet and understanding? He does not know how the older does it because Donghyuck was panicking thinking that Mark would leave him. Now, deep down he knew that would not happen but he felt so overwhelmed and said whatever that was in his head. "Mark, I love you and I-I-" Mark pecked the younger's lips before softly talking, "Shh, we can talk about this when we get home. You'll be staying with me from now on. Only if it's alright though. How does that sound to you? Are you okay with that?" Mark wanted to make sure instead of forcefully taking the younger in.

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