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Donghyuck's shift was almost over as he quickly went over to the bar to order himself something to eat since he had not eaten since he got there. He ordered to fried chicken and asked for a bottle of water before he swiftly made his way to his dressing room to eat in peace so that nobody would come up to him asking for a dance or a strip show. The red head was starving as he set the food on his vanity and sat on his stool before diving into his chicken, his head doing a cute little shake each time he takes a bite.

When he finished eating, he threw his garbage away and sipped on his water bottle. He then changed back into his regular clothes as he pulled out his work phone to check the time and messages. There were only ten minutes till midnight, the bass of the music shaking the wooden floor. Only a few more minutes of this and then the club would be vacant and completely silent. The money Donghyuck earned tonight was stuffed into his backpack. He still was going to save up and move into an apartment because he knew he could not leech off of Mark forever. That is not fair to him, he thought.

The tanned male zipped up his fluffy big coat and swung his bag over his shoulder before his door abruptly opened by a cute fluffy brown haired male. "Donghyuck!! What did you think of my performance today?" Jungwoo asked excitedly. In all honesty, Donghyuck did not pay attention at all during the older's performance. He had other things on his mind so as his eyes were on the stage, his mind was elsewhere. Donghyuck responded with a nod and a hum of acknowledgment to the older's question, his face being swallowed by the neck of the coat each time his nodded.

"We should do a collab one day? Like the two of us together performing! Or maybe even the three of us with Ten Hyung!" Jungwoo suggested cheerfully as Donghyuck thought about. It would be pretty fun to perform together as a trio and besides, the audience would literally kill to see their favorite performers on stage altogether. "Sounds cool," Donghyuck answered as Jungwoo clapped his hands and squeezed the younger in his arms before letting go. "I'll tell Jaehyun and we can all work on something soon!" Jungwoo happily stated as he left the younger's dressing room, Donghyuck releasing a sigh before his phone vibrated.

Mark had texted him, saying that he was outside of the club behind the back entrance. Donghyuck smiled as he stuff his phone in his pocket before exiting his dressing room, the crowd dispersing fairly quickly as he made his escape using  the back exit. He paddled his torn sneakers towards Mark's car, the older already standing outside of it while waiting for the younger to come closer. Mark was smiling brightly and so was Donghyuck, but the older could tell the younger was exhausted.

Mark opened the passenger door and let Donghyuck sit inside before closing it again and going to the drivers side to start driving. Dongmin was asleep in the backseat because Mark did not want to leave him home and unattended. The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence as they drove through the city and reached a huge complex building. Donghyuck's jaw dropped and if he thought this was big and expensive, then he has not even seen the half of it yet. They got out of the car as Mark went to take a sleeping Dongmin out of his car seat and carry him in his arms.

Mark guided then inside the building, Donghyuck closely following behind Mark as they made their way to the elevator. The older pressed the top floor as Donghyuck quietly looked at the marble walls the small moving box they were inside of. Mark smoothly slid his hand into Donghyuck's, caressing them softly as the younger blushed before the doors opened and the small space beeped inside the speakers, indicating their arrival. There was nothing but a single door straight ahead of them when they exited the elevator which made Donghyuck curious.

The older unlocked his door and pushed it open, turning on the recessive lighting in the living room as Donghyuck stepped inside with his eyes widened and jaw dropped in shock. Mark had to stifle his chuckle since Dongmin was asleep before putting the baby into his bed and cracking the door open as he then returned back to the younger who acted like his feet were glued to the ground. "Mark, am I in the right place?" Donghyuck turned his head towards the older who nodded with a grin. Mark remeoved his coat and sneaker, putting them in their respective spots as Donghyuck did the same.

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