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Though it felt unusual, Donghyuck felt safe in Taeyong's arms. He slowly brought his arms to circle around the older's torso as Taeyong's arms were around his neck, holding him close as Donghyuck cried into his chest and soaked his shirt. Taeyong did not mind the cold puddle on his clothing as he slipped his fingers through the younger's hair on the back of his head, resting his cheek on top of the red head.

Taeyong carefully maneuvered their bodies to sit down on the couch at the other side of the apartment, Donghyuck now resting his head on his shoulder with his arms still wrapped around the older. Donghyuck was seated beside Taeyong with his legs thrown over the older's lap, something the tanned male used to do with his mother when he needed comfort when he was younger. When Taeyong realized Donghyuck's cries had died down, he gently spoke with a soft smile on his face.

"He looks like you."

Donghyuck looked up at Taeyong with a small smile and a shake of his head. "He looks more like Mark than me." Dongmin had both features of Mark and Donghyuck that portrayed them both equally, but Donghyuck still believed he looked more like Mark than himself because of his eyes and cheek bones.

"I don't know. I see a lot of you in Dongmin. He has your big doe eyes, only when he isn't up to no good though," Taeyong giggled as Donghyuck chuckled. "He also has your cute little button nose and heart shaped lips. He really resembles you a lot, even your personalities are a bit similar as well." Donghyuck let go of Taeyong to sit beside him properly.

"You really think so?" Donghyuck asked as Taeyong flashed a knowing smile with a nod. Donghyuck beamed as he thought about his son but then his expression changed into panic. "D-do you think Mark knows now that I bore Dongmin? Do you think Dongmin said something about me?"

Taeyong shook his head with an assuring smile as he removed Donghyuck's clasped hands to stop him from picking at his skin. "If Mark found out, he would be asking to see you." Donghyuck let out a shakey breath as he nodded. "I guess you're right."

"But you should tell him soon or later, Hyuck. Mark deserves to know who the other parent to his child is," Taeyong stated as Donghyuck softly smiled at the nickname the older used. Donghyuck knew that. He knew Mark deserved to know, but he was scared of how the older would see him. What if he saw him as a deadbeat father? Or irresponsible?

"I know you're scared," Taeyong started as if he could read the younger's mind. "But if Mark is who you say he is, he would not think of you any less or differently. I'm sure he would be very understanding since he knows you pretty well and you guys go way back."

Donghyuck nodded reluctantly as he stared down at their hands, Taeyong rubbing the back of his hand with the pad of his thumb.

"Take your time to tell him. There is no rush, but you should do it soon. Maybe before Dongmin's birthday? That way you'll have time to think about what to say and be prepared," Taeyong spoke again with a soft tone. "If you want, I can be with you when you tell him if you need any support or want to be comforted." Donghyuck let out a small thank you before going back to hug the older.

"I can be there too if you need it," another voice caught both Donghyuck and Taeyong's attention. Their heads turned towards Ten who was standing with his hands on his waist and a smile. "T-Ten! I-I'm sorry, I-" Donghyuck let go of Taeyong to stand up and frantically make his way over to the other male.

Ten only giggled softly with a pout and pulled the frantic Donghyuck his arms to hug him tightly. "Silly, Hyuckie. You have nothing to apologize for," Ten softly whispered as he rested his chin on the younger's shoulder. "You're so strong, Donghyuck and I could not be more proud of you." Ten meant every word. He watched Donghyuck grow up from when the boy was sixteen and he is so proud of how far he has come.

It's Yours {Markhyuck}|| Completed Where stories live. Discover now