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⚠️ Not so detailed love scene approaching mid chapter ⚠️

Mark was gentleman of course so he was not going to force Donghyuck to do anything he was not ready for right now. And so with that, he carefully dropped the younger's arms that were above his head as he slowly pulled away from their kiss. He watched as Donghyuck's eyes slowly flutter open as he caught his breath with small pants. His cheeks were red and flushed as his eyes were hooded, completely swoon from the intimate kiss they had just shared. Mark created some space between them so that Donghyuck could properly digest what had just happened right now.

"M-Mark?" Donghyuck called out, but he did not know what the reason for doing that was for. Mark used his hands to brush a tuft of red hair the fell on his forehead behind the younger's ear as he hummed in response. The older patiently waited for Donghyuck to speak again, but it never came and Mark was not about to force the younger to do anything so he softly smile and pressed a sweet kiss against his bare forehead. Donghyuck looked so gorgeous standing in front of him and Mark was so lucky to have such a beautiful boy like him in his life.

Donghyuck bit his lip as he shyly looked away, "I-I..." Mark placed his hands protectively on the younger's hips, rubbing it gently with his thumb. "What is it, sunshine?" Mark whispered but Donghyuck could not formulate the words as he threw his arms around Mark's neck while standing on his tip toes, smashing their lips back together. Mark immediately responded to the kiss as he tapped Donghyuck's thighs as a signal for the younger to jump and he did so. With Donghyuck's legs wrapped around the older's torso, Mark carried them to his bedroom and kicked the door shut without disconnecting their lips.

Something salty interfered with Mark's taste buds as he opened his eyes slowly, seeing that Donghyuck was crying. He instantly sat down on his mattress with Donghyuck on his lap as he carefully pull his lips away. The older brought his hands to cup Donghyuck's cheeks and wipe the younger's tears away with his thumbs softly. Donghyuck's body jerked as he hiccuped which made the older frown, the younger's arms were loosely around Mark's neck. "M-Mark...I-I need you," Donghyuck vaguely spoke with an utterly hushed tone of his voice, tears endlessly escaping his eyes.

Donghyuck was not meaning sexually, he meant that he needs him physically, emotionally, and mentally. He needs him. He needs Mark with him for the rest of his life. He never wants to be apart from the older ever again because he does not know what he would do if that were to happen again. It was Donghyuck's worse fear and he did not want it to come true. He wanted to be with Mark for as long as they lived. Mark was his rock. He was someone Donghyuck could be himself around and someone who he could always go to and count on for anything.

Mark's patience. Mark's understanding. Mark's assurance. Mark's comfort. Mark's love. Everything. Everything about Mark is what he needed and what the older can definitely confirm the younger will have because Mark was not going anywhere. Mark would never leave Donghyuck's side ever again. "I'm here, baby...I'm here," Mark's voice had almost cracked, feeling his eyes well up. "Tell me. What is it exactly what you want right low," Mark softly commanded with a sniffle. The older wanted to be one hundred percent sure he had the younger's consent to continue going. He wanted the younger's sober response consent.

Donghyuck's emotions were starting to feel a bit too overwhelming for the younger to handle and Mark took notice of this, pulled the tanned male into his embrace. No matter how bad Mark wanted to do it, he would never force Donghyuck.  His insides were screaming to touch him, screaming to just kiss the younger senseless. But he had self control and knew of his limits when it came to the younger. Mark would never do anything that Donghyuck did not like or did not want to do.

He had immense respect for the younger and he would never cross his boundaries, especially knowing how the younger had been a victim of sexual harassment and abuse. Mark would never allow those memories to replay in the younger's head with him being the cause of it. He loves Donghyuck way too much and thinks he is the most precious boy to walk on the earth. "Make me forget," Donghyuck cried into Mark's ear with a plea and the tone of the younger's voice broke Mark. "M-make me forget the past." Donghyuck spoke again, this time pulling away to look Mark in the eyes.

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