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It was the middle of the following week, a Wednesday to be precise, and Donghyuck arrived a tad bit late to the club because of a certain boyfriend of his. Donghyuck entered his dressing room with messy hair and swollen lips which left Ten instantly knowing what was going on before the tanned male arrived, flashing a knowing smirk with a brow raised. The older shook his head as Donghyuck was quickly removing his clothes to dress into his wardrobe for the evening. "I miss being at that stage in a relationship," Ten spoke daringly, sitting down on the younger's vanity stool as he watched Donghyuck get dressed—the tanned male's body torso littered with hickeys all over. Mark really did a number on him.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes as he slid on his silver silk button up shirt, tucking it into his black dress pants. He left his first two buttons undone, clearly enough to display to the people in the club that Donghyuck was indeed taken because of the marks on his chest and neck. "And you dare walk into a daycare with children looking like that?" Ten dramatically gasped, "those poor children! Poor Dongmin!" Donghyuck clicked his tongue, a habit which he picked up from Mark now that they were always together again. "I cover them up with hoodies, relax," Donghyuck said with leisure, walking over to Ten to push the older off of his stool.

The older slid off and grabbed the makeup bag with a fake attitude, "rude." Ten uttered as Donghyuck snickered while the older began to work on the younger's makeup. Brushing the tanned male's eyelids with eyeshadow, Ten spoke out of curiosity, "I'm just wondering and I'm not telling what to do or anything...but now that Mark is back in your life again, will you keep wearing the mask to perform?" Donghyuck had not thought about. One of the main reasons Donghyuck wore a mask was to hide his identity since he was underage at the time and he did not want the word getting back to Mark and he also did not want thirsty eyes on him while he was not taken.

It was for safety precautions and Ten understood that very well. Donghyuck shrugged his shoulders, "I haven't thought about it to be completely honest with you." It was true. Maybe Donghyuck would not wear an eye mask anymore...though he did like his privacy and he does not really want people from the streets to recognize him because when Dongmin gets older, he does not want his son to get bullied for having a father who works at the club. But then again, Mark was with him and Mark would never let anything bad happen to him or their child and he trusts Mark with his entire life. Mark was his savior, their protector.

"No worries. I was just asking," Ten dismissed the topic because it really was not a big deal and he was just wondering about it. He finished the younger's makeup, cleaning the brushes off before combing and spraying Donghyuck's hair. Donghyuck's fading red hair was coma styled, half of his forehead displayed for show. There was no performance today since Jungwoo was fired and would usually be assigned for Wednesday. But because of this, Donghyuck still had to be there before the club opened to occupy the audience and just work his normal job as a stripper at the club since there was no performance being shown.

Donghyuck was doing his job, following the crowd of people who begged for his presence. He stood on the table surrounded with about ten seats as he did his thing, seductively moving his hands all over his body as people spewed more money on the table. "Haechan over here!" A man called over from the other side of the table. Haechan strode his way towards the man, dropping and popping back up. The evening shift went by until he reached his break, going to his dressing room for a few touch ups on his makeup and hair. While he was on break, he decided to head over to Jaehyun's office to ask for an absence day on the second of March in a couple weeks.

March second is Dongmin's birthday and Donghyuck wanted to do something for his little baby's third birthday since he was not present for his last birthday. He would work his morning shift at the daycare while Mark was at his internship and after that, they agreed to go do something for Dongmin's birthday. The loud bass of the music drowned out the knock Donghyuck pressed against Jaehyun's office door. But as if the older knew Donghyuck was out there, the door open and allowed Donghyuck inside with a warm smile and welcome as he closed the door behind him.

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