𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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My gaze is fixated on Carmen's backside as she walks into her bedroom. I watch her long brown hair, that's still slightly damp, swish with the motion of her body, before my stare lowers, stopping over her ass for a split second, then lowering again to her bare legs. She had tanned skin, and smooth silky sin. My jaw clenched and my arms that were crossed over my chest tightened.

The sound of her bedroom door shutting brought me back to reality, and it also reminded me that her big brother- who also happened to be my best friend, was standing right next to me. I pushed off the island counter and turned around, my back facing the direction where Carmen's bedroom was. I didn't know much about Carmen, just that Maikel was extremely overprotective over his little sister, and for good reason as well.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, Carmen was fucking hot. I'm extremely sure that she has about a hundred guys drooling over her daily. Maikel never spoke about her much, but when he did his expression would always soften. He said she was innocent and genuine, and didn't have a single mean bone in her body. By the looks of it so far, he was right. Even after I called Carmen a bitch, and assumed she was one of Maikel's daily fucks, she never said anything rude back to me; but instead, moved on and changed the subject.

If I said that to any other girl, I would be expecting a full on shouting marathon at my face, and how I shouldn't call girls 'bitches', and probably add some shit on at the end about how a woman birthed me or whatever. But no, Carmen brushed it off like it was nothing, acting as if she'd heard that sentence about a thousand times before.

My eyes narrowed, deep in thought, completely ignoring Maikel beside me. "Stop drooling over my sister you fuck." His voice slightly startles me, because how did he know exactly what I was doing?

"I'm not, trust me I have no interest in your little sister." I lied. I've taken an interest in his sister, I'm not sure for what though. Probably to fuck her.

"Whatever you say D, but don't make a move on her or anything like that. She's off limits to everyone." Maikel slaps a hand on my back before sitting down on a stool.

Off fucking limits? Over my dead body. I've never been told the word 'no' and there's no way in hell I'll let Maikel tell me who I can and can't have. I loved him like a brother, which is surprising considering I hate everyone and anyone, but him telling me I can't have Carmen pissed me off. It's not like I want to date her or some shit- I don't do that. But maybe I wanted to play with her a little. Who could blame me?

"And, why's that? She's a big girl now, Maikel. What if she wanted to go for someone?" I decided to pry a little further, letting my curiosity get the best of me.

"Because every guy in this college thinks with their dick and not their head. They'll step all over her and completely ruin her. She's too good for any of these boys. Besides, it's not like Carmen would actually pay attention to these pussy hungry dicks. She never has, she's focused on her studies and future." I look over to Maikel and notice his expression softened. He's vulnerable when it comes to Carmen.

I couldn't blame Maikel's reasoning. All the guys at Cleveland are dicks and just want to fuck as many girls as they can, nothing more. Myself and Maikel included. I couldn't do commitment, and Maikel hated everything to do with relationships. And the fact that Carmen's never paid attention to boys? There's no way that's possible. There is no way on earth that girl is a virgin. If she was, that was all about to change. She's in college and surrounded by horny boys. Carmen will no doubt get a lot of male attention, whether she wants it or not. And the fact that she's Maikel's little sister doesn't make it better. Myself and Maikel were well known, and I fucking hated it. Everyone was always in our business, and girls were throwing themselves at us. Maikel didn't seem to mind it however, but that's just how it went. Maikel would speak to anyone and have a conversation, people were lucky to even get one word out of me.

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