𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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A week had passed since the party, which also means it had been a week since I've seen Damian. Some would say I was avoiding him, I call it purposely not running into him.

I didn't want to interact with him at all, he was annoying and hot- annoyingly hot. The last thing I remembered from that night at the party was falling asleep in his car then waking up the next morning in my bed with a pounding headache. My clothes from the night before were still on so if it was Damian that put me to bed; at least he didn't try anything dodgy.

These past couple of days me and Adam have been messaging back and forth, and even sometimes hanging out together in school. I had introduced him to Nila, and even though she was quite disappointed nothing was happening between me and Damian, she was still happy for me, 'even if the boy was a complete nerd' as she had put it.

I liked Adam, he was genuine and sweet, the type of boy you would bring home to meet your parents. I had never been this close with a boy before and I don't have any clue about what I'm supposed to do, so I hope he feels satisfied with me.

Adam was like a puppy, a golden retriever perhaps. He never overstepped with me and always respected my boundaries, although there was something he was missing. I couldn't help but compare him to Damian- as much as I despised it, Damian seemed to one up him in almost every way shape or form.

Whenever Damian was around, the energy would switch to power, his aura was dominating and he brought about a sense of danger but in a weird way, I liked it. It gave me an adrenaline rush, and with him, I never knew what was coming next. Growing up, I had my whole life planned out for me, as if it wasn't my life, but rather my parents. It felt oddly refreshing being around Damian, like a breath of fresh air and I couldn't deny it- no matter how much of a douchebag he was.

I looked up at the ceiling, trying to push all Damian-related thoughts out of my head, and instead focus on Adam- the kind boy who I should be liking instead. I began to grow frustrated at myself, Damian was Kai's best friend, and I had just met him. Besides he's horrible to me, why am I having these feelings about him?

Running my hands through my hair, I screw my eyes shut and think about something, anything else. I decide to get up and freshen myself up in the bathroom, splashing my face with cold water to snap out of my Damian drooling phase.

I changed out of my pajamas into leggings and a hoodie since the weather was getting a bit more chillier as October was approaching and my college refused to turn on the heating until it was blizzard weather. Putting my hair into a ponytail, I went with no makeup due to not having the effort frankly.

After packing my bag, I walked out my bedroom and headed towards the kitchen for a quick breakfast. I heard voices coming from somewhere, but dismissed it thinking it was probably Nila and Maikel bickering over something stupid again.

But boy was I wrong.

I looked up to see Damian leaning on the counter facing me and Kai sitting on an island stool with his back to me. My eyes widened and I stopped walking. My feet were glued to the floor and as much as I tried to move, my body was physically stopping me. Damian looked up from his phone and fixed his gaze on me. His eyes slowly moved up and down my body before returning to my face and he smirked, his lip running along the inside of his mouth.

Why is everything this man does hot?

I swallowed, and looked around the room, refusing to meet his piercing stare. This man was going to be the death of me. I regained my composure and kept my head held high, I refuse to let this man know the effect he has on me.

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