𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖

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the link to damian and carmen's playlist ——— > check the comments


"What do you mean I can't switch partners? Please Professor, I'll take anyone but him." I look over to Damian sitting on one of the desks, who was on his phone, but now his attention is on me.

"Sorry Carmen. No can do. You get who you're given. Besides, why are you so against working with Damian? You two seemed pretty comfortable earlier." Professor Hurst's eyebrows raised up as she eyed the two of us.

I groaned. Of course she had to bring that up. "He's annoying and won't leave me alone. What happened earlier was a silly mishap." It's been almost ten minutes that I've been standing here trying to convince the Professor to let me do the project by myself. Damian decided to tag along for whatever reason.

"Listen, I wish I could help you out. But in this case, I can't. You have to do the project with Damian. If you have any problems then I suggest you squash it soon since this assignment makes up thirty percent of your grade." Professor Hurst cleared her throat and pushed her glasses higher up the bridge of her nose, initiating that she was done with this conversation.

I turned toward Damian and my jaw clenched. I was not going to do this project with the Devil's spawn at all. I would rather eat a whole jar of marmite.

A moment of silence passed before Damian finally spoke up. "We'll do the project." He got up and started walking to the door, stopping by my side first and grabbing my arm, dragging me with him.

What the heck? This was not how it was supposed to go. He was supposed to help convince the teacher with me, not agree with her!

"Ow, stop!" I smack his arm, breaking free from his incredibly strong grip. Damian opens the door, walking out, and shuts the door in my face. I was inches away from the door smacking my face but luckily, my reflexes came in handy.

I opened the door and there he was, with all his smugness, waiting for me. "What a gentleman." I rolled my eyes.

Damian only hummed in response, following me on my walk. A few heads turned to look at myself and him, but quickly looked away. I furrowed my brows as to why they looked away so quickly and glanced at Damian, only realizing they turned away because he was glaring at each and every one of them. His jaw was sharp, and his eyes were filled with a sort of danger I haven't seen before.

"Do you have to be such a grump all the time?" I nudge his shoulders, gaining his attention.

"I'm not a grump to you, am I?"

"That's debatable." I smile, thinking of all the wonderful times Damian has been excessively rude to me. Most of his sentences involved the word 'fuck' and a hostile look in his eyes.

"I'm not a grump to you all the time." Damian nudged my shoulders back.

"Still pretty debatable."

We continued walking in silence before I let my curiosity get the best of me. "Why are you walking with me, Damian?" I sighed.

"I'm not." His attention was back to his phone and I felt a massive urge to rip his phone out of his hand and tell him not to be so rude when someone's talking to him.

"Yes you are. You've been walking next to me ever since we left the room." I crane my head up to his, and due to the significant height difference between him and I, my neck started to ache.

"No. I'm going in the same direction as you, not walking with you. You're not special." He mumbled.

Okay then. Talk about a mood change.

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