𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟒

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The final buzzer glared as everyone scrambled from their seats, congratulating the players while the school band played the winning anthem. Myself and Eli ran down the bleachers and onto the court trying to find Nila. It was her team's first volleyball match of the year and they had won, even though the whole school knew they were going to. The team had been training nonstop so it was a given.

I slung my arms around her neck and we spun around in a circle, squealing. "Congrats! Although, we all know you could do it."

Nila pulled away, catching her breath. "Thanks." I grabbed her into a final hug again and squeezed the life out of her, ignoring her calls for help. Eli eventually came in between and separated us.

"Let me have my turn, will you?" He laughed and patted her on the back, pulling her into his chest. "Well done. You only made me think you broke about two bones in the process."

"I think I did." She groaned, holding her leg. "Give me ten or so minutes. I'll just clean myself up then I'll meet you outside the doors, okay?"

We gave each other one last hug before Nila went off into the locker rooms and Eli and I found a bench outside to sit on. I wasn't as close with Eli as I was with the others, but that was just our lack of classes together. From what I knew, he was one of the sweetest guys in college.

"Nila was amazing, did you see how high she jumped?!" I laid back onto the headrest of the bench and looked up, feeling the crispness of the January chills.

"She was fucking amazing, I'll give her that. She has a high chance of becoming Captain next year." Since Nila was only a freshman, she had a total of zero chance to become Captain. But next year, there's a possibility. Especially, if she carries on playing how she did today.

"Where are you going after this?" I asked him. Zane and Adrian had basketball practice which they couldn't miss so that meant Eli was alone. I could invite him back to mine if he wanted.

"I've got a date with someone. A guy. I've decided I'm going to try and move on, now." Eli smiled, and I could tell it was genuine. It was nice to come across someone similar to me after a while.

"That's great! I'm happy for you." Eli's been upset about his past relationship since I met him, back in August, so to hear he was moving on made me happy.

"What about you?"

"Nila's coming back to mine to stay the night. Something we do after every one of her matches. It's like a tradition, of sorts, I guess." I shrugged, not expecting much of a reaction. I used to call it the 'Nila Sleepover', but got bullied for saying the word 'sleepover' in high school, so now we have no name for it. That was until, Nila punched the girl for picking on me.

"That's cute." He replied and Nila appeared from the door, with her gym bag slung onto her shoulder.

"Hey, guys." She sat down on my lap and slumped the heavy bag on Eli's lap, ignoring the groans coming from him.

"Our Uber's gonna be here any second, Nils." I checked my phone to see where the car was, since even Nila didn't have her driver's license.

"Okay, we better get going. Eli, see you in Maths?" She stood and I followed after her, grabbing the bag from Eli's lap. Jeez, this thing was heavy.

"Yep, I'm going the other way, so bye guys." He got up and we bid our goodbyes with each other, walking the opposite way.


"I'm telling you, you're going to be Captain next year. There's no doubt about it. You're easily one of the best players on the team." We had been arguing back and forth about it since the car ride, with me saying yes and her saying the opposite. Everyone sees it, but Nila.

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