𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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I was attempting to be patient and wait by the stove whilst my noodles were cooking. The truth was, I just wasn't a patient person at all, no matter how hard I tried. I would always get distracted from the tiniest of things, ever since I was little, and couldn't sit still in one place. I couldn't leave the stove whilst my noodles were cooking- even though I wasn't the best cook, that much I knew.

I moved to go and sit on an island stool, still keeping a close eye on the pot when my phone pinged.

adrian: hey is this Carmen?

me: yeah hi :)

adrian: oh phew, I messaged a number a couple minutes ago thinking it was you, but instead I got a phone call from a very angry boyfriend shouting at me to stay away from his girlfriend 😐


adrian: anyways, I was gonna ask if you and your friend wanted to come meet me and my bros tonight at the grill?

I thought long and hard how to reply to this text. This was going to be my first time going out with someone other than Nila and my brother! Not wasting any time, I screen shotted the message and sent it to Nila with a question mark.

Almost immediately, she replied with a "YES HOE!!!!!" I laughed internally before going back to my conversation with Adrian.

me: hey sorry for leaving you on read, i was asking my friend if she wanted to go. she said yes :)

adrian: perfect! meet you outside the grill at 7? we could all go for dessert after, I know a great place 😋

me: okay sounds great! see you there.

Closing the messages app, I quickly rang Nila to tell her the plans. She said she would be over in half an hour to help me get ready. I didn't really understand, 'ready'? Why would she need to help me get ready? It's not like we were all going to end up having an orgy after.

Half an hour passed, and as promised Nila turned up outside my front door looking very pretty. She had her long curly hair down, leaving it looking 'wet' and the coils were perfect and as usual, her edges were done. She was wearing a black tube top, paired with a pair of dickies.

"I'm so excited Cammy! You're going to look so hot, I promise." NIla gave me a quick hug before taking my wrist and dragging me to my bedroom.

"It's not a date Nila." I rolled my eyes but couldn't help a smile come onto my face. Nila was always so enthusiastic about these types of things, so I'll let her have her moment.

"I know, but it's a special evening, your first time going out properly for dinner that isn't McDonalds!" Nila sets me down on my bed before rushing to my closet. Luckily, thanks to Kai, all my furniture was put together and I could actually hang my clothes up. In the end, I went with a spaghetti strap black cropped tank and some white linen pants. Nila wasn't too happy but we compromised and I said she could do my makeup. Not too much though.

I left my hair in its naturally wavy state, and I was extremely happy with the end result of my makeup. It was a glowy, dewy makeup look, making my skin look amazing, but not to the point where it was oily. I applied some lip gloss, quickly went to the bathroom and we exited my bedroom. There I saw Maikel sitting on the couch, next to Damian.


They were holding beers in their hands, paying close attention to the football on the TV. That was until Nila cleared her throat, when their gazes turned to us. Kai's eyes widened at the sight of me looking all ready, but quickly replaced it with a smile. "You look nice Cammy." Kai took another swig of his beer, his stare lingered on Nila for a bit but that didn't go unnoticed by her.

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