𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟎

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"Why the fuck are you ignoring me?" I felt a pen poke into the side of my cheek, squishing the skin. My eyes rolled as I dropped my pen to the notebook and turned my head to the side, facing the man that's been annoying me for the past half hour.

"I'm not ignoring you, I'm just paying attention to class. Which is something you should be doing as well." It was true, my Accounting Professor had ramped things up since Christmas, and all of a sudden we were going at a million miles per hour. Being a first year student in a second year class was not easy.

Damian hummed, placing his arms flat on the desk and lying on them. "Well, you've barely said one fucking word to me all lesson and I don't like it."

My amusement took over and I raised a brow at him. I never thought I'd see the day where Damian Galanis was mad I wasn't talking enough to him. "Okay, fine. What do you want to talk about?"

"Anything. I'll even listen to your rambling that doesn't make sense if it means you'll acknowledge me." Damian frowned and my smile dropped a little, feeling bad for him.

I didn't mean to ignore him.

The truth is, I'm kind of avoiding him, I guess. Ever since the kiss and what happened with Simon, I've taken some time back to reflect on myself. Granted, I was still a little shaken up with the incident regarding Professor Ackers, but knowing he wasn't teaching anymore and Damin had beaten him up for me put me at ease.

But, we kissed. And he didn't seem to have a problem with it. He should have a problem with it. He should've pushed me away the second my lips touched his and said some mean sentence that would've hurt my feelings like he normally does.

Damian kissing me back just made this situation all more complicated and I hated it. We're not even a couple, let alone friends, I guess. This started because of one agreement that got taken out of hand and now my feelings for him have become much more prominent.

He's made it extremely clear from day one that he didn't do monogamy, so why would he start now? In the long run, I was just going to get my feelings hurt so I needed to distance myself- not that it was working though.

"How are your knuckles?" I reached over and grabbed his fist, inspecting the damage since the fight.

Stroking my thumb over his purple knuckles, he didn't even flinch when my finger made contact with the sore spot. I'm convinced he's not human.

Damian placed his thumb over mine, our hands practically holding now. "Fine compared to that dickhead."

"Thank you again for what you did. You didn't have to."

"He deserves a lot more than what I did to him. I should have killed him." He said.


He snorted and I went back to my note taking after I realized I had fallen behind. We settled into a comfortable silence again with him scrolling on his phone while I did my work, although I couldn't help but notice the whispers coming from in front of us.

Lifting my gaze, I eyed the two girls and one boy constantly turning round and staring at myself and Damian before going back to their seats and whispering amongst themselves.

At first, I wasn't bothered and didn't care. They were most likely just talking about Damian and paying no attention to me. But then, the disgusted looks started coming my way and I kept shifting under their gaze.

What was their problem with me?

"Damian." I whispered.

I tried again when he didn't respond. "Damian." Only when I nudged his arm, did he look up from the phone.

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