𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

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The October chills had settled in now, making the weather much more gloomier and colder. My motivation for college was slowly going as in the winter I lost all my willpower to do anything productive, and would rather stay at home and sleep all day.

But this year, I'm forcing myself to make an effort in order to maintain my perfect record of straight A's. Even though the semester had just started, I was already getting good scores due to my constant revision. I wasn't going to let a stupid weather season get in the way of that.

So here I was, sitting in the library studying during my free period. Most people would be out, getting coffee or something with their friends, but I liked studying. It was quiet and I didn't have any distractions. My study playlist played from my AirPods whilst I was catching up on some Marketing notes that I couldn't take down in the lecure.

"Hey, doll." I felt Zane slide in the booth and sling his arm over my shoulder, as usual. Everyone else followed into the booth and I sighed. So much for studying.

Taking out my earphones, I shut my books and face everyone. "Don't you guys have lessons or something?"

"It's lunch. Did you seriously lose track of time that much?" Adrian replied. I look at the time and it reads 12.40pm.


I lean into Zane's arm and listen to the conversation happening in front of me. Zane leans back into the booth and rests his head on top of mine. Nila and Eli were currently trying to plan lunch for Saturday and bickering about where we should go.

"No, Eli! I'm allergic to sushi so let's get pizza." Nila was growing frustrated since Eli wasn't listening to her.

"Well that sucks, but no one else is allergic. We're having sushi, end of." Eli doesn't seem to be backing down anytime soon.

"Calm down you idiots. It's just lunch. Let's have a vote." Adrin buts in before it gets more intense.

"All in favor of pizza, raise their hand." Nila and Adrian raise their hands.

"Adrian, you bitch! How could you betray your own twin brother like that? I'm cutting all ties with you." Eli pretends to be hurt which makes Adrian roll his eyes.

"All in favor of sushi, raise their hand." Eli and Zane put their hands up. To anyone walking by, we would look like mad people putting our arms up and down, but to our little group, it was perfectly normal.

Everyone turned to me and I stifled a groan. "It's a tie, Cammy you're choosing." Eli said.

I hated choosing due to my indecisiveness and they chose the worst person to pick. I scanned my eyes around the booth, wondering what option to pick. My eyes landed on Nila and we smirked at each other. Zane whined as if he knew what was to come.

"I pick pizza." I chose pizza purely because my best friend was allergic to sushi and she wanted pizza. I couldn't exactly go against my best friend could I?

"That's not fair, of course she's going to choose pizza, Nila's her best friend." Eli complains and he looks like he's about to burst into tears. I suddenly feel extremely bad.

"Sorry bro, but a vote's a vote. Maybe next time." Adrian pats Eli on the back in an attempt to cheer Eli up.

"Hey guys, what's up?" The group turned their attention to Adam, who was now approaching the booth where we were all sat out. Zane quietly groaned and made himself more comfortable on my head, shutting his eyes.

The group didn't really like Adam, and I have no idea as to why. He was nice and considerate, but whenever he was around, my friends weren't afraid to show that they didn't like him at all.

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