𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟗

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I was careful not to wake Carmen when I laid her in my bed, pulling the covers over her so she was warm. Taking a few steps back, I took a handful of seconds to appreciate the sight. Her. In my bed. It was the first time a girl had ever been in my bed, let alone sleep in it.

I liked it.

She was so beautiful and knowing that someone took advantage of that made my fucking blood boil. I fought the urge to wipe away the dried tear stains from her face since I knew she would probably wake up. I wanted to stay with her as she slept, holding her close but I had something to do first. Then I could go back to her.

Bruiser hopped onto the bed and nestled his body near Carmen's, keeping her company on behalf of me. "Good boy." I whispered.

Shutting the door behind me, I put my shoes on and grabbed my car keys, shutting the front door and locking it. She would be safe in my apartment. The knowledge of that dickhead touching her like that unlocked something inside of me I didn't know was reachable.

He touched her.

He made her cry.

He made her scared.

And now he was going to pay.

I stepped out of the elevator and nodded at Henry, refusing to give anyone the time of day. My mind was on one person and one person only. The locked door leading to the car park opened once I put my fingerprint in and I found my black Jeep within seconds. Climbing in, I turned the engine on and felt a little relieved when I heard the loud purr filling the lack of noise.

I pulled out of the basement and onto the main roads, zooming down the street and ignoring all the fucking honks from passing cars. The speeding ticket wouldn't even be that much anyway.

It didn't take long for the college campus to arrive into my eyeline and I pulled into the campus parking space, hopping out and slamming the door shut. Fuck's sake, I needed to fucking calm down. Everytime I tried to calm myself, an image of Carmen at my door, crying her fucking eyes out popped up.

I should tell someone, Maikel or the school maybe. But they wouldn't do shit. The school would brush it off since it wasn't taken further. And Maikel would try and bring it to the authorities but they wouldn't do anything either. This needed to be dealt with quietly.

"Hey, Damian! Come play a game with us, man." Some random guy from the side of me called out.

Maybe if it was any other day, I would've said yes. Or not. "Not in the fucking mood."           

"Awh, come on! I thought you were out of your dickhead phase by now."

"Guess not." I mumbled.

I walked into the main building and barged past all the people moving to their next class. I had Professor Ackers last year before I dropped him because he pissed me off. I always hated his guts and everyone knew he liked to look at the girls. No one bothered to do anything about it though. Up until now.

The class looked empty from the outside, with only one student talking to the Professor. I strolled in, acting like I owned the place-because I did. My family was the biggest donor to the college meaning we had a say in everything. After I've given him a piece of my mind, I'd get him fired.

"Leave." I commanded, staring straight into the boy's eyes. The skinny idiot looked frightened as he pushed his glasses further up his nose and scrambled for his books, practically running out of the room.

I sat down on one of the front row desks opposite the Professor's desk and made myself comfortable, smiling when I saw him shift under my gaze. A forty year old was intimidated over a twenty-one year old. Huh.

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