𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏

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i attached a little aesthetic for damian's apartment^^^


The dark oak door unlocked, and Damian's presence loomed over me. I tilted my head upwards and made eye contact with him. The dark light cast a shadow over him, but the half of his face that was hitting the light looked gorgeous. Damian's face was chiseled, his jawline so sharp it could cut a diamond in half. His bone structure was defined in all the right places and if I carried on looking any longer, my hands would gain a mind of their own and start touching him, everywhere.

Damian's hair was wet, probably from the shower, and he was clad in a pair of black sweatpants and a white fitted long sleeve shirt. I could see his silver cross chain peeking out from under his clothes, and my eyes trailed down to his hands, where rings were situated on almost every finger of his.

"You're late." Damian's husky voice snapped me back to reality. My eyes glanced back to his face and I cleared my throat out of embarrassment, due to the fact he most likely just caught me drooling over him.

I checked my phone and noticed that I was only late by a few minutes. "Yeah, by like two minutes. You live very high up, that's not my fault." I rolled my eyes.

Damian stepped to the side, allowing me to enter his apartment. "Well then come fucking earlier." He grumbled.

Ignoring his rude comment, I roamed my gaze over his living space. Everything was open plan, with the main monument being the dark marble staircase in the middle of everything. The furniture, ceilings, lights, and floors were all dark with some sort of warm lighting complimenting such a cloudy area.

It was safe to say I stuck out like a sore thumb. I couldn't help it, all my clothes were vibrant colors and there was bright energy radiating off me. Damian, however, fit in perfectly with his apartment. I don't know why I was surprised to see his apartment furnished like this, his vibe gave off exactly what his apartment did and for some reason, I was drawn to it all.

I shouldn't, but I did. Damian was the exact opposite of me and my morals, but I didn't seem to mind. In fact, I liked it.

I heard the front door shut and I turned round to come face to face with Damian, watching his movements. His muscles tensed as he shut the door, locking it and rising to his full height, taking a step forward until we were a couple inches apart. He looked down and I looked up, my lips slightly parted and a few soft breaths leaving my mouth.

We stood like that for some odd seconds, waiting for the other person to break the intense eye contact, but neither of us made a move to do so. Tingles were being shot around my body, and my legs felt like jelly just by the way he was staring at me so I fumbled a few steps back to put a healthy distance between us.

"Where shall we study?" My voice came out higher than intended, and more of a whimper but that was due to me being all flustered.

"My room." Was all Damian said before he brushed past me and headed his way to his bedroom.

"Wait!" I raised my voice, forcing him to stop.

"Don't you think we should, um, like study somewhere else? I mean, the dining table looks pretty nice and we can sit." I panicked. This was not how it was supposed to go. I wasn't supposed to study with him in his bedroom! That was highly inappropriate and something I shouldn't be doing with my brother's best friend.

"No. My bedroom. Get moving." Damian completely ignored me and carried on walking again. I sighed and listened to him, following him down the hallway. His back muscles became more defined with each strode, and he walked with confidence, like he was on top of the world.

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