𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗

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People filled the front lawn, and the smell of alcohol and weed filled the air. I only knew what weed smelt like from Nila being high 24/7 in high school. As me and Nila walked side by side, with our arms linked, we received catcalls and whistles from various different people. One guy was about to come up to us, but stopped once Maikel death stared at them. I thanked him in my mind, not liking the feeling of being whistled at. Nila on the other hand, smiled and strode confidently, occasionally winking at a boy or two.

We reached the house and struggled to fit past a herd of figures all crowded in the doorway. The booming music reached my ears, and I swear one of my eardrums was going to pop. Refusing to cover my ears with my hands, I looked around as I followed Nila. Numerous people were making out against the wall, not seeming to care that they were in public. I cocked my head forward slightly, with my eyes squinting and my face morphed into pure horror when I realized two people were having sex on the stairs.

What the heck? They were having literal sex in front of everyone and no one seemed to care.

I made a mental note not to go anywhere near the stairs if I didn't want to catch an STD. I hope they were at least using a condom.

After what felt like ages, we finally reached the kitchen where me and Nila spotted the guys. They came up to us and greeted us all, before doing some type of 'bro shake' with Maikel. Damian didn't really seem like the type of guy to do that, so he nodded at them-his eyes dangerously following Zane's.

"Okay, me and Damian are gonna go see some people, but we'll be nearby. Call me if you need anything." Maikel comes up to me and kisses my head, before wandering off somewhere with Damian.

"Oh my God. They're even hotter in person." Zane's mouth is hanging open, and his fangirling makes everyone laugh.

"You're acting as if they're celebrities, Zane." Nila rolls her eyes.

"Enough of that, let's do shots!" Adrian speaks up and everyone agrees, Eli moving to get spare shot glasses and a bottle of what looks like tequila.

Eli pours one for each of us, including me. I look down at the shot glass and bite my lip. I've never had anything other than wine or champagne, and even then it was only a glass. My mama said that 'a true lady would never have more than one glass of a respectable drink.'

The boys all take their shots and chat amongst themselves. Nila's about to drink when she notices my sudden mood change and puts the full glass down. "You don't have to if you don't want to Cam-Cam."

I look at her before switching my attention back to the shot glass resting on the counter. Spread my wings. This is what college is all about, right? Having fun and spreading my wings.

"I'm going to do just one shot. No more after that." I nodded, smiling up at Nila.

"I thought I'd never see the day. Let's do it on the count of three. Ready?" Nila counts from three and on the last count, we both down the drink. I hear the boys whooping at my choice of deciding to drink just this once.

I immediately regret my decision as soon as I feel the cool liquid sliding down my throat. I scrunch my face up and cringe, screwing my eyes shut, the sour taste leaving a bad feeling in my mouth. Coughing slightly, Nila screams and hugs me.

Jesus, how strong was this drink?

Still recovering from that awful drink, I go to the fridge and pick up an unopened bottle of water. I remember Maikel's warning from the car. Don't let anyone make you a drink and never leave it unattended. Chugging almost half of the bottle, I still feel the bitter taste of the tequila. I run my tongue against my teeth and try distracting myself.

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