𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟎

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"Crap, crap, crap! I'm gonna be so late!" I slammed my locker shut, scurrying off to my next class and ignoring the groaning people and occasional paper that slips out of my folders. Who thought getting a 'quick' coffee with Zane would actually be quick? Obviously, me. Never again.

My breath ran short as the asthma kicked in, but I didn't slow. Imagine how embarrassing it would be if I walked in late. I doubt the reprimand from the Professor would be small, but the humiliation itself was more than enough for me. Especially since it was a new Professor ever since Simon got fired. Scratch that, more like disappeared off the face of the Earth.


"Excuse me."

Apologizing to numerous students, I twisted and turned my body in ways I wasn't aware of moving. Sweat dripped down my forehead and I probably looked like a crazy maniac, sliding down the hallway.

"Hey, Maikel's little sister! Slow down!" Someone called out. I snapped my head behind to see who was talking to me, but they were already long gone. My hair swooshed in my face and I reached out to peel the strands off, but my body decided to lose control and crash into someone.

I stumbled backward from the impact, chest hurting and legs threatening to give out. I was about to fall into someone else behind me, but an arm grabbed my waist and held me upright. "Woah, there. Can't have you falling now, can I?"


The voice was somewhat deep, but unrecognizable. I looked up, coming face to face with my savior. This feels a whole lot like the Adam situation. Black hair, green eyes and an eyebrow piercing. My first instinct was to compare the strangely similar stranger to Damian, but I forced the subconscious down; thinking of something else.

"Tha-" I wheezed, bending over. "You, so much."

"Are you asthmatic?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I tried regaining my breath. Mystery man pulled us over to the side by the lockers, out of the way for everyone else. I didn't argue it, because to be frank, I didn't feel like being on the receiving end of death stares anymore.

He shrugged, removing his arm. "My sister has it as well. What's your name?"

"Carmen." I smiled, meeting his piercing eyes. Still, they weren't as nice as Damian's.


"Are you in first year, as well?"

"Yeah, you?" I replied and he nodded. "I don't think I've ever seen you around before."

"That's because I'm majoring in BioChemistry. So a lot of the time, I'm never really in the main campus building. I just had to grab something, but on my way there, I bumped into to a certain someone." Mystery man arched a brow at me and I let out a laugh.

"Yeah..about that. I'm really sorry. I was rushing to get to my next class and got ahead of myself."

He chuckled, showing off the sharp canines present. He looks like he could be Damian's brother. "Don't worry about it, what class do you have next?"

"Marketing." I said, checking my phone for the time. "Speaking of which, I've got to go. It was nice meeting you."

"You too, Carmen."

We both parted, walking in different directions, when something registered inside my mind. I didn't know his name. Spinning back round, I called out to him. "Wait! I didn't get your name!"

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