𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟑

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(again i attached a song, enjoy <3)


It was Sunday and the day after my birthday. I had enjoyed it, aside from Kai and Nila's constant child-like arguing and the stares I would get from Damian that made my lower body throb.

I didn't really have a plan for today, probably to just catch up on some coursework. That wouldn't take long though, I was up to date with everything. Pacing back and forth in my bedroom, my brows furrowed once I heard my phone vibrate.

It wouldn't be Nila since she was at the gym and my brother was doing an essay that was overdue. I jumped on the bed with my phone, making myself comfortable as I checked the message.

Devil's spawn: Get ready. I'll be downstairs in fifteen.

What the hell is wrong with this man? He never even asked me if I could go out, instead just messaging me and demanding me to get ready. I should give him a piece of my mind. But I won't.

Me: what for?

That was my equivalent of standing my ground, with Damian anyway. What were we even going to do? The project was over so we couldn't do that, and the town near us was crawling with college students.

Devil's spawn: It's a surprise. Wear something warm.

Me: what am i supposed to tell my brother?

Devil's spawn: Fuck knows. Say you're going out with a friend.

This man. He tests my patience like no other, does he really think Kai's going to believe that? Well now that I think of it, he is quite naive. That's besides the point.

Me: this is such late notice

Devil's spawn: Do you want to see me or not?

I didn't hesitate.

Me: yes

Devil's spawn: Then it's final. See you in fifteen.

Groaning in frustration, I threw my phone across the room, wincing when it landed against the wall with a 'thud'. I was totally unprepared, my hair was a mess, I had a crusty face mask on that I should have taken off half an hour ago and my eye bags were visible enough to scare away a lion.

I rushed to my closet, picking up all sorts of clothes I didn't even know I had. Tossing back tops, sweatshirts and jeans, I decided on a pair of black flared jeans and a white long sleeve top to go with it. The weather wasn't as cold today so hopefully I'll be able to get away with not wearing a coat.

Now the heck am I supposed to fix the lion's mane I call my hair? My hair was difficult to style, since some parts were wavy and some parts were straight so when I brushed it-everything turned poofy. I stood in front of my bathroom mirror for a good five minutes before deciding on putting it up in a ponytail.

I wasn't happy with the final result but I was in a time crunch here. Blending out concealer and slapping on some mascara, I deemed my end look respectable enough to go out in. Damian would have to deal with it if he had a problem, it's all his fault.

1:15pm the clock read. Damian should be downstairs any second. Now all I had to do was convince my brother I was meeting a friend, and not his best-friend. I feel bad for sneaking around my brother, especially with someone he's so close. Maybe I'll tell him in the future, if things escalate between myself and Damian but I doubt that would happen.

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