𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟑

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"I am this close to fucking strangling my English Professor." Zane rested his head on the table and everyone paused their mini conversation, turning to look at him.

"Zane, babe, this anger isn't going to get you anywhere in life. Maybe you should take on a hobby, like boxing." Nila spoke, patting his head.

He raised his head from the cafeteria table and looked down at his hands, cringing. "No way, my hands are too perfect to be ruined by something like that."

"Well, then stop complaining." Eli mumbled.

"You guys are so rude, honestly why am I even friends with you?"

Adrian snorted. "We ask ourselves that everyday."

I was about to respond and ease Zane, reassuring him that we did love him but my response was knocked away when I felt two firm hands shake my waist, the apple in my hands dropping. I yelped, my hands shooting out to pry the masculine hands off my body. A deep laughter rumbled from behind and I snapped my head round, about to complain.

"You're so easy to freak out, Cammy." Kai chuckled, wheezing.

I glared at him, shooting daggers. "You're not funny. That hurt." My eyes drifted to the person next to him, staring directly into my soul. Damian's arms were crossed, his gray sweatshirt straining against his arms and the nose stud back in. He didn't look anywhere else once, completely fixated on my face. I began feeling self conscious, what if he started seeing everything that was wrong with me?

"Anyways, I just came to say that I'm not coming back home today after school till late." He stated, looking around the table but I don't miss the moment where his eyes lingered longer than they should have on Nila.


"I'm...busy with someone." Kai paused, trying to find the right word.

I arched a brow at his statement. "So, what you mean to tell me is that you're ditching your sister for a one night stand?"

"Well, when you put it like that...but you won't be alone."

"Huh?" My brows furrowed.

Maikel looked to Damian and smiled, slapping his back which seemed to have no effect whatsoever on the giant. "Damian's gonna chill at ours, with you. Just to make sure you're okay. You'll have to go home with him, of course."

I dropped the apple, yet again, and nearly jumped out of my seat from shock. I didn't need a babysitter, even though said babysitter was Damian. Maybe Kai knew? "Why can't I just stay home alone by myself?"

His tone became more sincere and serious, the playful golden retriever in him long gone. "You know why."

Oh right.

Kai had found out about what Professor Ackers did to me and ever since then, he's taken extra precaution with me. Heck, he refuses to even let me walk to the elevator by myself sometimes. As much as I appreciated the gesture, it was becoming overbearing.

In all honesty, I was completely done with the situation and wanted nothing to do with it. It had been almost three weeks and I wanted to return back to my old life as soon as possible. Maikel was being extremely difficult with that. I didn't need someone supervising me at all times, because he was scared something would happen to me-especially not in my own home.

I protested. "But-"

"No but's or if's. Please, I can't be with you at all times, so Damian's the next best thing. Besides, he's basically like your older brother, right man?" Kai asked Damian and he coughed, choking on the air. Immediately, he raised his hand to his face and took a step away to recollect himself.

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